

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュの"Thanksgiving" by Florence Earle Coates

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Thou that dost save through pain,
And dost, afflicting, bless,
We offer Thee from prostrate hearts
The Greater Thankfulness !

Lord, Thou hast humbled pride—
Hast shown the world at length
What ruthlessness may dwell with Power,
What bankruptcy with Strength ;

And teaching us the scorn
Of trifles that beguile,
Hast given us, dear God, to live
When life is most worth while!

We thank Thee for the dream
That heroes dreamed of yore,
For the desire of good, the will
Earth's freedom to restore ;

Spoiled children of the Past,
To-day, more nobly blest,
We thank Thee Who hast awakened us,
And asked of us our best !

God of the young and brave
Who nothing know of fear,
Who hold the things that life outlast
Than life itself more dear,

We thank Thee that our souls
Are strong as theirs to give—
All, all we cherish most on earth,
That Liberty may live !

That we, O Good supreme !
Still through our tears can see
On the brow of Death an aureole
Of Immortality !


It's a old poem, great to recite during Thanksgiving dinners! Even though, I highly doubt Japanese people celebrate Thanksgiving. I just thought it would be something worth sharing.




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