

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのDo u think Japanese is kinky??

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I didn't know but,
the word "hentai" is so widely known to many countries these days,
(It means pervert)

do you really think Japanese is kinky and hentai?!?!

I don't know if I should be happy or,,,sad to be told
"Japanese is hentai!!!"

Tell me your opinion about this or if u have experience, please!

if u think this topic is strange to be posted here,
just please ignore...

thanks you!


i dont think japanese is kinky language
but its simply complicated.hentai is used by many people in different countries and they use it all the time. but in japan、not a popular word at all.
i think hentai or otaku is a japanese cultual word xD lol^^
well...I think "hentai" is used by Anglophones in a fairly narrow sense, just as with "bukake" - - basically they're just words fairly restricted to porn. "hentai" is anime porn involving something truly odd--usually never straight sex involving two people.

I don't know if I would say that Japanese on the whole are more perverted than other people, but I do think that people are more open about their tastes. (e.g., guys read porno mags on the train - - this would be a pretty big no-no in many Western nations.)
oh really?
guy is considerd as hentai if he reads porno magazine on the train?
didn't know that, I think only seeing pic is ok but if he does alone....
completely hentai.

no I didn't mean japanese language, I meant Japanese people...
LOL Then the title should be "do you think Japanese are kinky?" not IS.
Do you want the short answer, the long answer or the politically correct answer ?ウインク
kinky has a "cute" feel to it. hentai has a "dirty" feel to it. its a compliment to be called kinky, an insult to be called hentai, in my book that is.ウッシッシ
Japanese are perverts! Yes we are! ...well at least in a way^^
> back pack girlさん

oh.my wrong xD
i think guys are kinky.not only in japan but any guys in different countries!
but japanese guys are tended to hide whats on their mind.most of guys i met from over see are open minded with being hentai.
I think the interesting point is not that the Japanese are or are not "hentai" but rather the level of organization for the "hentai". In America, you can find almost anything, but it isnt SO easy and accessible. In Japan, if you want XXXX you go to a certain place and get it. It is clear and most people know where to find it.

I think this level of organization makes it seem like Japan is MORE hentai than the US or wherever which, is not true.
I think that the fact that Japan as a country doesn't consider sex to be a shameful act is a good thing on the one hand...

...and on the other hand you have not-so-good stuff; idol culture, lolicon, train groping, strange fetish DVDs... basically everything 2ch worships.

The way I see it, the Japanese are so oppressed in every other aspect (insofar as one is obligated to conform to 'Japanese Society') that the only way people can find any release is through sex-related stuff; that's all well and good except when some dude is reading comics showing implicitly underaged characters with painfully stretched orifices.

In terms of "what's wrong with Japan" I consider the weird sexual stuff to be a symptom rather than the disease itself.
I doubt there is ONE nation or a language that is totally kinky or totally not kinky.

Every culture has pros and cons and so does every language. Japanese, just like every country out there, has problems with how the weak may be affected when it comes to sexual orientated matters, and the issues that Japanese laws are causing is significant but none the less, I don’t see the point in comparing with other courtiers. You cant judge a book by its cover, you have to understand the history behind Japanese culture, language and the ways of people and do the same with one or more nations then compare – very hard things to do, and for those that are speaking up without having to research fairly and thoroughly, there is no point behind that. It just becomes an insulting comment in some cases.

Child pornography, child molestation, domestic violence, loss of freedom, government oppressions, racism, sexism, illegal use of firearms and/or drugs, terrorism, etc, every country that I know of have issues such as those. Some people are more aware, some issues are more obvious even to the whole world and some are cleverly hidden. Some are of course more serious about the matter and of course many are pretending to be serious about the matter.

So in conclusion, in my opinion, Japanese culture, language or the people are no more or less Hentai, but less aware about the issues "(Being) Hentai" brings, and more open about the none issues it brings.

If you were told that “(whole) Japanese is hentai” as in the (whole) nation, culture, or the language, I will take an assumption that the person who told you this is not aware of the whole aspect of the Japanese. Mine is also an assumption but hey, I assume the person assumed with a little knowledge and judged the whole Japanese, based on assumptions (I am judging this person on his/her own comment, and not where the person come from or his/her culture, or of course not the language)

Sorry got carried away... and there are a lot of word "assumption" in there. I apologize if it was hard to understand / read.
I asked a student a series of questions and received some funny answers.

Me: " Are you Stoned?"
Student: " no!, I'm Rock Hard!"

It is all subjective to how you want to perceive it.
>18 Glenn Davis


Did the student know what he said could have meant?
and was the student aware of what "Beind stoned" meant?

That's some funny stuff. Sorry to be off topic but I literally lol'ed hard and had to comment.
Glenn Davis (#18)

What made you wonder the student may have been stoned? Was he high or something? LOL

Rock Hard... that's hilarious. Ignorance is bliss. :-)




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