

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのHonestly...?

  • mixiチェック
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Here's a thing Ive always been wondering. Because, to me, people seem to be hypocritical on the Internet.

How many of you guys have actually made a joke or comment according to stereotypical images of different ethnicities?(No matter what kind of situation you are in, like can be among peers or with anyone) Which can possibly be extended to racism?

A "That Data Management test was really easy, wasnt it?"
B "Yeah right, of course it was since you are Japanese. All asian ppl are good at Math"

A "Will you put them it there?"
B "Haha, Thats what she said"
C "Oh you are so dirty minded.."
A "Of course, she is a westerner, what do you expect?"

A "Oh my god, he started hitting on that girl as I knew he would since he is a Latino"
B "Yeah, your point is proved eh?"
A "Haha, totally. He reminds me of a Brazilian friend of mine who made 5 girlfriends in 2weeks"

What would you honestly say about it? You have never said such things before?
Plz be honest to answer this question even tho it might be considered absurd. Thanks :)


sorry to disappoint.
Never said such things.

Of course you only thinking that because you are a ... human being.

And I am a True Neutral Dwarf Sorcerer !
Damn hoomans!

Like all profiling is not justified ? Some people do have certain traits. Not all of them are
always negative. Some follow rational logic that is correct 80% of the time. When people take it to an extreme is when the problems occur. There`s a line up at the police station. They are looking for a gang member that committed a gang related crime. You don`t assume that the little old lady in the line up is the guilty party. It`s not impossible, but it is highly unlikely.
The question is rather who hasn't. I'm going to be very frank. Everyone in every society is in some way biased, somehow stereotypes, categorizes others etc. I'm not saying everyone is overtly racist but I'm saying that stereotyping is something built into every society. Everyone has a different norm and being outside that norm means you've automatically been assigned some sort of attributes that person considers different. They may be positive or negative, they may not say them but they're there.

I guess my point is that saying "I don't want to be around them" is rather harsh off the bat imo.

That being said I rarely say such things but I'm far from politically correct. This sort of thing is a shrug off for me. At first reading the example I thought it was supposed to be a 'dumb joke' kind of thing. If I heard it it wouldn't phase me past thinking "where'd they hear THAT?" They're uneducated comments and if anything kept me from being around them it'd be the fact they haven't obtained a GED (lol more stereotyping.)
I could've said something like that, a while ago. Luckily, living in Canada let me see all kinds of people from different places, so now I only do a per-person judgement.
I see i see, the view point seems to vary here.
I also found that the chances are higher in local areas, such as in Belleeville I was staying for past 2 years. Especially in highschools there, the students tended to be more naive than those in Toronto whereas people see much of the multiculture.
Yeah, I guess everyone has to take GED, Robert.




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