

☆ENGLISH ONLY☆コミュのAnother heart warming story to fill your soul with love!

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Hey, this one is written by me!

Dear old Daddy was speaking into the microphone, with a tear in the corner of his eye. He was trying to speak, choking a little and trying to hold them back, because boys don't cry. He looked at the audience, all wide-eyed, waiting for Dear old Daddy to speak. Speaketh, he shall...

"My name is Dear old Daddy, no relation. A while back, my little son and I were in the park. My little boy's name was Little Jimmy, and he had a broken toe. Unfortunately, when I was a wee lad myself, I used to laugh at kids with broken toes..."

Dear old Daddy's voice faltered. He pulled out his hankercheif and dabbed the corner of his eye a bit. With a soul felt sniffle, he continued on.

"I knew it was God's way of testing me. Little Jimmy was graced with a broken toe. At first, I didn't know what to do. I was angry, and shook my fist at heaven! Why, Lord, have you forsaken me? After many nights of crying myself to sleep and looking deep within my soul, I was gifted with a vision. God had a plan for me."

Dear old Daddy swayed a bit at the podium. The microphone picked up the sound of his sobbing, which he was doing his best to hide. The sound of pocket change rustled.

"One day, Little Jimmy was limping along with his crutches, playing hide and seek in the park with his other friends. I sat there, watching with tears in my eyes, overjoyed the other kids would play with my poor little boy. The little boy with the crutches. The little boy with the broken toe. My little Jimmy.

He tried to play with them as best as he could," Dear old Daddy said with a sigh. "But Little Jimmy just couldn't keep up. They tried to help him, and some even gave each other charlie horses to make it more difficult to play tag. It made my heart flutter and gave me tingles inside, seeing the kindness of those boys towards my Little Jimmy."

"And then it hit me."

A smile broke across Dear old Daddy's face, and the tears started streaming down his face.

"I ran to the local hardware store. God's plan for me was as plain as daylight. I purchased the biggest, heaviest, longest fiberglass handled double face sledgehammer available. I ran back to the park. The boys were still playing, and boy, what a site! They were all so kind, those little boys, playing with Little Jimmy and still pretending to limp after their charlie horses wore off. It made my heart swell with love!"

Dear old Dad was gripping the mic stand so hard his knuckles were white.

"I ran over to where the little boys with kind hearts were playing with Little Jimmy. I raised the hammer over my head, high to the heavens so God could see me carry out his good will, and smashed each of those little boy's big toes, just like Little Jimmy's."

"God smiled on me, that day, God smiled on me and his good work!"

Dear old Daddy was relaxed a bit, and a calm peace came over his face. His eyes twinkled, his heart sang, and he hugged himself out of joy.

"Those little boys with the kindness in their hearts were just like Little Jimmy now. God made it so. Little Jimmy was the best at tag that day, none of those boys with the kind hearts could catch him in the park. It was Little Jimmy's day, given to him from our great Lord! Praise Jesus, my Little Jimmy won tag that day!"

"I scooped up Little Jimmy in my arms, I scooped him up and tears were running down his face, he was so happy. I took him home to his mother, a fine women with silky skin, a fine women indeed. A gift of God that woman, Little Jimmy's mother... I gave her the good news that Little Jimmy, with his little broken toe, was given God's good salvation that day. That God shined his white light on Little Jimmy, shined his grace on my little boy. I said to her, that Little Jimmy won tag that day!"

"Oh Lord my heart sang, it felt the joy of the good Lord and fluttered, those kind boys with those kind hearts. We all hugged, Little Jimmy, me, and my fine wife, praise Jesus, we all hugged and cried tears of joy. Little Jimmy with the broken toe was a winner that day! My Little Jimmy was a winner, and God had forgiven me my sin of laughing at the children with broken toes when I was a lad."

Dear old Daddy lowered his head, and said a prayer to himself.

"That day, Little Jimmy was a winner, even with a little broken toe."

The tears started welling up again.

"Dear Little Jimmy, I miss you boy, I miss you and your broken little toe. Two weeks ago Little Jimmy died. The broken toe was just too much, and he couldn't fight it anymore. The broken toe took Little Jimmy's life. Oh Little Jimmy, you're in the arms of God now! Praise Jesus, you're in the arms of God..."

Dear old Daddy was breaking down in tears, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Because of the kindness of those boys, the kindness in their hearts, Little Jimmy was a winner. God made a plan, and Little Jimmy won that day."

His heart soared with joy. His heart soared and sang to the Heavens because for one day, Little Jimmy was a WINNER! His heart soared, even while the police were taking him back to the squad car to take him home from Little Jimmy's funeral. Dear old Daddy's heart sang praises to Jesus, drowning out the sound of the chains of his shackles rustling against the ground, like the faint sound of pocket change.

For just one day, Little Jimmy was a winner and a father's love could not be greater.


I'm having a hard time understanding how this story is supposed to be heartwarming...or am I just missing out on the humor hidden inside?




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