

◇ビジネス英語クラブ◇コミュのKen's Diary 12/18 Another Great Shock!! + How long can you predict you will live in this world?

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Ken's Diary 12/18 Another Great Shock!! + How long can you predict you will live in this world?



Last week, one of my favorite actors, Mr. Shoichi OZAWA,

passed away. I have been still very shocked and feeling

sad since then.

Then, another shocking news came to my ears.

Mr. Kunio YONENAGA, one of my favorite professional

shogi players, was taken to the Heaven this morning (Dec.18).

I learned a lot from Mr. Yonenaga through shogi about

how to live a really good life. I loved his way of thinking

about how to win any life situations.

I have many books written by him, ranging

from shogi books to philosophical ones.

I had a personal connection with him, actually.

If you go to his website, you will find a link to mine.





Seems to me that many big figures, who I love, passed

away this year. They are 勘三郎さん、森光子さん、

小沢昭一さん、米長先生 and my father.


キーワード: death/ pulse/ destine / mammal / meaningful/

Only 27 Years to Live

Ladies and gentlemen,

I’ve often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and

deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life.

Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight. 

Silence would teach him the joy of sound.

This shows one of the examples we’ve taken for granted the benefit of our health.

Thus, it’s important for us to appreciate being health.

On the other hand, there is another thing we should appreciate or consider:

Do you know what it is?

It’s “death”.

Have you ever thought around what age you will pass away?

What if you were destined to die in 20 years or in 10 years or in 5 years or tomorrow?

(What would you do if you were supposed to pass away five yeas later?)

As for me, if I were destined to pass away tomorrow, I would have to rush to a tempura

restaurant now, and enjoy lots of tempura before I die.

Ideally I would love to die while eating tempura,

which is my favorite dish, not after I eat tempura and

have a severe stomachache just like Ieyasu Tokugawa did.

Why do you think I’ve started my speech with the topic of “death?”

The answer is very simple.

Recently I happened to know how to calculate how long we will be able to survive.

In other words, around what age I will pass away.

I’ve got the calculation formula.

One evening this May, I watched a TV show, and the show introduced

how to calculate how long we will be able to survive or around what age we will pass away.

The show explained that this calculation has been scientifically & academically certified and recognized in the world. This is a not nonsense story.

According to the show, the total amount of pulses of every mammal reaches to 2 or 2.3 billion in average.

So if we divide, say, the 2.3 billion pulses by our total annual pulses, we can get roughly how long we can live the rest of our life.

Please see this calculation in my case:

My pulses per minute are 66.at max.

66 pulses/min x 60minutes x 24 hours= 95,040pulses/day

95,040 x 356 days =34,689,600 pulses/year.

2.3 billion pulses/life ÷ 34,689,600=66.3years.

Since I'm 46 this year, I have only 20 years left to survive.

Oh!!! I have only two decades left!!!

What a short period!! When I came to realize this, I got stunned.

I have a pile of things to do before I die.

I must hurry to achieve them all.

First I must move to Kyoto and then to Tokyo and live there as soon as possible,

improving my simultaneous interpretation skills better enough to work for broadcasting stations.

Second, I have to find a good lady to share my short life.

If I am blessed with children, hopefully more than two,

I will train them to be a pro-martial artist, a pro-baseball player,

and a pro-shogi player respectively when they are grown up!!

Everyone, please try and find how long you can live according to the above formula.

Well, if I were the president of a university, I should establish a compulsory course in how to make your life meaningful. I would teach students the importance of health and life, and the importance of knowing how long we can survive through this theoretical but world-recognized calculation.

If we know around what age we will pass away, we will surely design our life plan more seriously and more positively to make our lives meaningful. Therefore, each of us should know how long we can survive,

even if it is a rough calculation.

Thanks for patience.


※ What do you think???



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