

通訳案内士は民間外交官!コミュの2015年度通訳案内士試験 第2次口述試験 プレゼンテーション問題と質疑応答

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2015年度通訳案内士試験 第2次口述試験 プレゼンテーション問題と質疑応答

Sapporo Yukimatsuri is a snow festival which is held at Sappro of Hokkaido in Februaly.
Along the big main streets of the city, a lot of huge, beutiful and refined snow scrupture such as Great Buddha, Akasaka-palace and other monuments.
Many tourists visit there. Although Sapporo is so cold in the period, those scruptures attract people and bring warm feeling.
As snow scrupture are so huge, much snow is tranported by the help of people of self defence agency.
As I have lived in Hokkaido, other than Sapporo snow festival, I can recomend other location. Hokkaido is well known to one of the good sightseeing place.
Its feature is very huge and plain similar to European continent, it is so different with the mountenous main island of Japan.
You can enjoy skiing and snowboarding and enjoy many floweres in every seanson.

(A) How many monts does Sapporo have snow ?
(B) It starts to snow from Dec to April therefore it is 5 months.

(A) How many visitors come to the festival ?
(私) Sorry, I don't remember the number. I guess less than 1 milion people visit there as 2 milion people visit the largest festival Nebuta. I need to study and inform later.

(A) How many periods does the festival long ? .
(私) Probably two weeks.

(A) How many days are required to prepare the festival ?
(私) As the huge volume of snow is required, I think two weeks to 1 months are taken.

(A) Who make the snow scrupture ?
(私) Probably surrounded community makes them. For designing, they may call professional desingers. And people of Self Defence agency may make them.

(A) You said you have lived in Hokkaido, have you been to Sapporo snow festival ?
(私) Unfortunately I have never been there.

(A) Other than Sapporo snow festival, is there any other location to go ?
(私) Yes, I recomend to go to Otaru, which is very near to Sapporo and you can enjoy good and fresh fishes such as Sushi and Sashimi.
Youn can enjoy skiing and snow boarding and also you can enjoy hot spring. If you have a time, you should visit to east of Hokkaido such as Akan-ko and Mashu-ko. You can encounter a dynamic nature.

Maneki-neko is a statue of a cat beckoning passers-by. Maneki-neko came from China.
Maneki-neko, a statue of a cat is usually put in front of restaurants or shops.
It invites customers to come to restaurants or shops. It's a charm for business people or owners.
Sometimes, maneki-neko is put on a front desk in an office as a lucky charm.
It is said that maneki-neko is good to invite many customers and people who do business can get a lot of profits.
That's all. If you have any questions or request, please don't hesitate to ask me anything.

(A)You said maneki-neko was from China, right? What origin does it have?
(私)I'm not sure what origin it has. But I guess that Chinese people are good at getting profits, so they made maneki-neko as a symbol or a chirm to make a lot of money.
If I have an opportunity to guide you next time, I will explain it to you by studying more.

(A)Why is maneki-neko a cat? Why aren't any other animals?
(私)I'm not sure. But, I think for example, dogs follow people easily, on the other hand, cats don't follow people easily. Cats have their own will.
To succeed in a business, a strong will is needed, so the Chinese use cats for maneki-neko.

(A)You mean cats are independent?
(私) I think so.

(A)Which is maneki-neko put in fancy restaurants or casual restaurants?
(私)It depends on a restaurant. I think more casual restaurants have maneki-neko. In my experience, I have never seen maneki-neko in western-style restaurants.
Generally, I see maneki-neko in Chinese or Japanese restaurants. I guess some restaurants which got stars by Michelin have maneki-neko.

(A)What percentage of restaurants have maneki-neko?
(私)I think about 50% of restaurants might have maneki-neko.

(A)Maneki-neko brings restaurant owners property?
(私)People believe maneki-neko brings fortune for people who do business and happiness for customers.

(A) Do you have maneki-neko?
(私) I don't have maneki-neko because I am a teacher, but after my retirement, if I have an opportunity to run a shop, I definitely buy maneki-neko.

Lacquer wares are commonly used by Japanese people. Many soup bowles and chop sticks are lacquered in Japan.
I explain especially famouse lacquer ware for Osechi ryouri. Osechi ryouri are special dishes for new year holidays.
A variety of ingredients, such as fishes, black beans, rolled kelp, and vegetables are artfully prepared in a set of layered lacquer boxes.
Osechi ryouri are prepared for three new year days. So, Osechi rouri must be preserved for the three days. Lacquer ware is good for preserve food.
That's all.

(A) Do you know somewhare famouse place for lacquer ware?
(私) Wajima is a famouse place for lacquer ware.

(A) Whare is Wajima?
(私) Ishikawa prefecture.

(A) You explained about Osechi ryouri. Which ingredient do you like?
(私) I like seafood, especially shrimp and rolled kelp.

(A) When are the three new years holidays? You didn't tell the dates.
(私) January first, second and third. Japanese people usually take holidays in these days.

(A) You talked about Japanese electric appliances. Do you often go to Akihabara?
(私) Actually I don't go to Akihabara so many.

(A) But you live in Tokyo.
(私) There are big electric appliance stores in big stations. So, I don't need to go to Akihabara.
Akihabara is now popular for animation stuffs, for Otaku.

(A) You talked about translator in electric appliances stores. What language is translated?
(私) Chinese is translated many times. Many Chinese people come to Japan these days.

(A) How about other languages?
(私) Ah, English too.

(A) where do you recommend foreign tourists to go in Tokyo?
(私) I recommend to go to Asakusa.

(A) I'd like to go somewhere only local people know. Where do you recommend?
(私) I recommend you Nakano. There are a lot of small shops. Especially, a shopping building named Nakano Broadway is popular for shops for hobbies, not only manga or games. They are interesting for foreign people.

(A) Ok that's all.
(私) Thank you very much.

Shojin Ryouri was originated as meals for Buddhist monks. Because they were prohibited from taking any lives, Shojin Ryouri is vegetarian meals, actually, almost like vegan since any daily products or fish aren't used in those meals.
It sounds rather simple and boring however, Shojin Ryouri is quietly gaining its popularity due to recent “Washoku, The Japanese food” boom and health-conscious mind.
Many variety of seasonal vegetables are turned into beautiful dishes for both your mouth and eyes. They are prepared to pull out the actual flavor of ingredients therefor, only a few seasonings are being used.
Today, many tourists from overseas visit Buddhist temples and sample this healthiest version of Japanese food, share the experience of being a monk just briefly.

(A) O.K., is it expensive to try?
(私) No, I don't think so. After all, it's a food for monks. Not a fancy cuisine.

(A) So how much is it?
(私) I would think somewhere between 1,000yen to 2,000yen.

(A) Have you tried it ?
(私) Well, not at a temple prepared by monks but I participated one time cooking class at a local farmer's market, specializing for this Shojin Ryouri.

(A) Did you like the food?
(私)Actually, I did. First I thought it might be too plain because I like spicy food. But the dishes we cooked were very flavorful and healthy, they introduced me some unique techniques to cut down the preparation time and that was great!!

(A) Oh, nice! Is it easy to make? Do you cook them??
(私) Yes, I happen to like cooking so it's not difficult and I have adapted some dishes from them. The only dish which may take some practice is called “Goma-Tofu”.
Its texture is very soft and smooth just like Tofu, but this Goma-Tofu is made with Sesame seeds, not Soybeans like a real Tofu.

(A) I see. What kind of Japanese food do you recommend if I'm new here?
(私) Well… that is a very difficult question! Because there are so many variety of great Japanese food. Let me see…. If you are not allergic to raw fish, I would recommend you to try Sushi.
I know it sounds rather ordinary, but Sushi is THE Japanese signature dish and here is THE place you should try!

(A) Do you know a good sushi restaurant here?
(私)Do you mean here in Tokyo?

(私)I am sorry, I am from Okinawa, not around here so I don't know the good sushi restaurant nearby. But I am sure I can find one for you with my tablet and let you know.

(A)Is Okinawa good place for sushi?
(私)Well... It's hard to say, compare to my hometown Izu peninsula, it may...

(A)Where is Izu peninsula?
(私)Izu peninsula is located around 100 to 120 kilometers southwest of Tokyo.
Do you know Japanese highest mountain Fuji? You can enjoy the view of...

(A) How long does it take to go there?
(私) You mean to Izu peninsula?
(A) Yes.
(私)I would say about 2 to 3 hours. If you take bullet train it...

(A) Oh, do you have to take a bullet train ?
(私)You can reach there with or without the bullet train.

(A)I see. Is it good place for Sushi?
(私)Yes! But you don't have to travel all the way to find a good sushi place. I am sure there are many in Tokyo. In fact, I would suggest one called "circulating sushi", plates of sushi are set on a conveyor belt and encircling in front of you. So you can actually see them before you eat and avoid surprise.
(A)It sounds like a great idea. And I think that is all.



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