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問題群(1)[ 9:00〜10:00]
Please tell us your name and where you live.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?
I heard there are many hot springs in Japan. Please recommend one of them.
?If you are staying in Tokyo, I would recommend Hakone hot-spring resort. Hakone is a popular all-year tourist site because of its many hot-spring resorts, beautiful scenery and comfortable climate. Its easy access from Tokyo, views of Mt. Fuji, and the plentiful facilities in the district also add to its attraction.
?If you are staying in Kyoto or any other place in the Kansai area, I would recommend Arima hot-spring resort in Hyogo Prefecture. Located, quite conveniently, within the city limits of Kobe, this resort attracts numerous visitors throughout the year. With a history of over 1,000 years, it is said to be one of the three oldest hot-spring resorts in Japan. Although Arima Onsen basically has a modern face today, one can still find several old buildings and some nice temples when strolling through the narrow streets of the town center. Due to its compact size, Arima resort can be explored entirely on foot.
?If you are staying in Kyushu, I would recommend Beppu hot-spring resort in Oita Prefecture. One of the most popular resorts in all of Japan, Beppu provides more than 3,000 sources of hot water not only to the hotels and inns but also to private homes. Beppu has the sea in the foreground and mountains to its rear. This location and the variety of hot mineral springs make it a favorite vacation spot for travelers.
These days, global warming is getting more serious. How does it affect Japan? What can Japan do to stop global warming?
As with everywhere else on Earth, global warming has been affecting Japan more seriously than before. For example, it has gradually increased torrential rainfalls, decreased agricultural water, changed the flora, and eroded some beaches. More and more people are realizing that global warming is a real threat to our lives. I think we all should start conserving much more energy, and the Japanese government should redouble its efforts to tackle global warming domestically, as well as internationally.
I heard the Meiji Restoration was very important in Japanese history. Why was it so important? Tell me how it happened and what changes it brought to Japan?
Japan realized the need to establish a modern state to cope with powerful Western countries, once it opened its doors to the world in 1854 after 220 years of national isolation. As a result of strong demands from imperial loyalists of the lower samurai class, the last shogun Tokugawa Yoshinobu stepped down in 1867, and Emperor Meiji came to the throne. Thus, the Meiji Restoration took place in 1868, which included a series of drastic political, economic and cultural changes. Seeking to “enrich the nation and strengthen the military,” the new government promoted industrialization and modernization, through abolishing the feudal system and introducing Western culture and political systems.
I saw sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring and stomp their feet before their match. Why do they do that?
Sumo is a time-honored sport, and, historically, it was done as part of a Shinto ritual as well. Purification rites are a vital part of Shinto, and, in Japan, salt is believed to have the sacred power to purify the impure. This is why sumo wrestlers throw salt into the ring in order to purify their sacred fighting ground before their match. Also, they stomp their feet so that they can ward off or placate evil spirits hidden in the earth of the ring.
I heard that there was “the procession of feudal lords” in the Edo period. Please explain what it was like and what it was for?
During the Edo period, there was a rule of the Tokugawa shogunate called “Sankin-kotai,” or the alternate attendance system. By this rule, daimyo, or feudal lords, were required to reside in alternate years in Edo (now Tokyo) to be in attendance of the shogun. A typical daimyo traveled to the capital, with 150 to 300 or more vassals and members of his household, using the main highways. This was called “daimyo-gyoretsu,” or “the procession of feudal lords.” The size of the entourage was an indication of the daimyo’s status. The journeys and the overall upkeep of a daimyo’s Edo estates consumed a large part of his income, so they financially weakened the daimyo and thus the Tokugawa shogunate was better able to control them.
What kinds of TV programs do you like? What TV program would you recommend to foreigners?
Of the wide variety of programs that are popular on Japanese TV, I personally like documentaries the most. But, since most foreign visitors may not understand Japanese, I would recommend they watch samurai dramas. By watching them, they can get a very good idea of what the traditional Japanese lifestyle was like, even if they don’t understand the language.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?
Why are there so many Buddhist temples in Kamakura?
During the Kamakura period, when Japan saw the rise of the samurai to power, several new Buddhist sects were established in Japan. Among these sects, the Rinzai sect came to enjoy the patronage of the upper warrior class, especially “shikken,” or Hojo regents. Hojo regents financially helped to build many large temples in Kamakura. This is why there are many temples in Kamakura.
What is Japan’s climate like?
There are four distinct seasons in Japan — spring, summer, fall and winter. There is also a rainy season between spring and summer. Japan’s climate is influenced by summer and winter monsoons, ocean currents and topographical features.
Why do Japanese people eat sea bream on happy occasions?
On festive occasions such as wedding banquets, Japanese people eat sea bream, often complete with its head and tail. It is because “tai,” the Japanese word for sea bream, sounds similar to, thus is associated with, a Japanese word “medetai,” meaning “auspicious.” Also, sea bream is red, and the color of red has traditionally been the color of celebration in Japan because it is associated with the sun.
I hear that many Japanese houses are made of wood. What are the advantages of wooden structures in Japan?
Earthquakes are relatively frequent in Japan, and wooden houses are better at withstanding minor quakes. When wood is subjected to a force it may bend and warp, but it does not break easily. And when the force is removed, the wood returns to its former shape. Because wood is flexible, it can absorb seismic stresses. Also, Japan’s summer is hot and humid, but wood breathes and absorbs moisture. In severe cold winters, wood is not as cold to touch as stone.
In the Edo period, there was a system called “Sankin-Kotai.” What was the purpose of it?
The “sankin-kotai” system is known as the system of “alternate attendance.” It was instituted by the third shogun of the Tokugawa shogunate, Iemitsu, as a means of political control. During the Edo period, Japan was divided into many autonomous feudal domains. Each lord, however, had to stay in Edo (modern-day Tokyo) every other year. Members of his family were held in Edo as hostages. One of the chief objectives of this system was to weaken the lords financially.
How is Japan’s prime minister elected?
The Japanese prime minister is elected by the Diet from among its own members. Japan has a similar system to the UK’s parliamentary cabinet system, and its government is party-based. So the leader of the majority party is usually appointed prime minister.
Why do you want to be a tour guide?




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