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Source: BBC
http://news. bbc.co.uk/ 2/hi/business/ 7912056.stm

'Econocide' to surge as recession bites

By Claire Prentice
Manhattan, New York

It is the most iconic image of the 1929 Wall Street Crash: financiers,
having lost their fortunes, jumping to their deaths from the windows
of skyscrapers.
Now, 80 years later, American psychologists have coined the phrase
"econocide" to describe a wave of suicides they say is linked to the
current global economic crisis.
The suicides of Irish property baron Patrick Rocca, London-based
financier Kirk Stephenson, Chicago real estate mogul Steven Good,
French financier Rene-Thierry Magnon de la Villehuchet and German
billionaire Adolf Merckle have all made headlines around the world in
recent months.
All were successful men who had lost large sums of money as a result
of the worldwide economic downtown.
But it is not just high-profile financiers who are paying for the
recession with their lives.
Last month, former British soldier Bill Foxton killed himself after
losing his life savings in an alleged $50bn fraud run by Wall Street
financier Bernard Madoff.
"People think econocide is a problem on Wall Street but it is also
affecting people on Main Street, ordinary families who have lost their
homes, their jobs, their savings," says Dr Leslie Seppinni, who has
treated 14 people with suicidal feelings related to the economy in the
last two months.
"I've seen people who are still going out every morning, pretending to
go to work, because they can't face telling their family they've lost
their job," she says.

Getting worse

The California-based psychologist has been asked by a number of
corporations to provide counselling to employees during the redundancy
“ During the Great Depression, suicide rose by more than 50%, to 17.5
per 100,000 of the population ”
Dr Alan Berman of the American Association of Suicidology
"I've never seen anything like this before," Dr Seppinni says.
"People are suffering severe depressive symptoms who have never had
experience of mental illness.
"It is going to get worse before it gets better."
The problem is not confined to California. In clinics across America,
where psychologists are experiencing a surge in new clients.
in the UK, meanwhile, research shows that people who are unemployed
are two to three times more likely to die by suicide than people in
And the charity The Samaritans has warned that the deepening economic
crisis could lead to an increase in suicide rates nationwide as people
face unemployment, mounting debt and housing insecurity.

Recession suicides

US employers cut almost 600,000 jobs in January, sending the
unemployment rate to 7.6%, the highest in 17 years.
“ The identity of these people is so tied into their career that when
it's gone they don't know who they are anymore ”
Manhattan psychotherapist Jonathan Alpert
The rise is mirrored around the globe, with the European Commission
predicting 3.5 million job losses in the European Union this year.
"Economic recession, especially when it is sudden and severe, can lead
to an increase in suicide rates," observes Stephen Platt, professor of
health policy research at the University of Edinburgh and a Samaritans
"This is not only because more people become unemployed and, as a
result, more psychologically vulnerable, but also because those in
employment feel threatened too."
Dr Alan Berman of the American Association of Suicidology agrees with
Professor Platt's assessment.
"If the current recession lasts as long as the experts are predicting
we expect we will see something parallel to the Great Depression," he
"During the Great Depression, suicide rose by more than 50%, to 17.5
per 100,000 of the population."
'The only option'
Psychologists identify shame, embarrassment and feelings of
powerlessness as the triggers that lead some victims of the recession
to kill themselves.
Jonathan Alpert is a Manhattan psychotherapist who has counselled a
number of Wall Street financiers.
"The identity of these people is so tied into their career that when
it's gone they don't know who they are anymore," he says.
"These are high achievers, high earners, 'Alpha Male' types who have a
good education, a good career, a high standard of living and suddenly
it disappears on them and they have to re-evaluate everything."
Financier John Stevens [not his real name] says he was having suicidal
feelings after learning that his savings had been wiped out.
"Since I lost my job, I feel worthless," he says.
"I've had some very low points where killing myself seemed like the
only option, the only way to stop that sense of desperation. "
For Mr Stevens, it was the thought of leaving his wife and two young
children behind that prevented him from taking his own life.

Depressing evidence

As well as an increase in suicides, international research shows that
recession is accompanied by an increase in rates of domestic violence,
drug and alcohol abuse and divorce as financial pressures put a strain
on other aspects of peoples' lives.
But if financial disaster brings emotional distress to many, sadly the
opposite is not the case.
Evidence gathered in boom times does not show that prosperity causes
an equivalent high in people's moods.
Simply put, poverty might bring sadness, but money cannot buy you
In America the situation is compounded by the fact that when people
lose their jobs they often lose their medical insurance and their
access to healthcare, including mental health benefits.
At the same time, public mental health resources are strained as cash-
strapped authorities cut budgets.

Talk about it

But catastrophic economic news does not necessarily have to lead to
suicidal thoughts.
Amy James is the chief executive officer of Six Things, an Oklahoma
City-based company which monitors educational materials for compliance
with federal regulations.
Since last September she has laid off 75% of her staff and she has
seen the value of her company plummet.
"It's been devastating, " she says.
"Overnight I went from being [chief executive] of a successful company
to standing in a batting cage trying to fend off balls."
Ms James credits a support network of good friends and regular
exercise with helping her get through it.
"I've seen a big difference between the way I've handled things and
the way my male peers do," she says.
"A lot of them are too proud to talk about it, whereas I have talked
non-stop about what's happened and I think that's been really healthy
for me."

Back to basics

But while the economic crisis spells disaster for some, others believe
it is also important to realise that it can offer an opportunity to re-
evaluate what is important, turning to simple pleasures, such as
cooking instead of dining out, holidaying at home rather than abroad
and taking up inexpensive hobbies.
"We are all conscious that the world went a bit overboard [during the
boom years] and that some values were lost," reflects Michel Taride,
president of Hertz Europe, the car hire firm.
"We're now getting back to some real values."
Mr Alpert, the Manhattan psychotherapist, agrees. "There is a silver
lining. People who were working long hours may find they now have time
to visit the park or take their kids swimming.
"Some people take pleasure in going back to basics, to a more simple
life, doing meaningful things together rather than material



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