

ENGLISH DEBATE ON SOCIAL TOPICコミュのWhat is your interest in a recent event?

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A Happy New Year to you,わーい(嬉しい顔)

1,213 people have already participated in the community which is
set up by Mr.Heat.

I want to exchange opinions with all of you through this new TOPIC
lively and wait for positive coment from you.

Well, Please let me place you as a recent hot issue at first.

How does the rivalry in the party by Prime Minister, KAN and
OZAWA turn out?

How about your opinion??


Mr. Arnold Schwarzenegger.
He is finishing duties of seven years of Governor of California soon,

Many people pay attention to the next work of this person.

Return to the movie world? or Turn to a federal member of the Diet?

What do you expect of this person?
A happy new year!

About Kan vs. Ozawa... what's the point, really?
What does the ruling party want?
Mr.Ozawa has been acquitted twice already and if I were the leader of the party, I would support Mr. Ozawa for this.
Ok, he is to be finally prosecuted now, so kick him out, not for the prime minister's popularity but for justice.
If the leader is powerful enough, damage will be the minimum.
And if this causes breaking up of the Democratic Party, nobody is surprised. They've never been united from the first place, have they?
きるふぇさん、Thank you to your comment.

Though you leave Japan and have already passed for 10 years,
you have a view point sharp at all about the Japanese present
political trend.
I admired.

My viewpoint about the fight of Kan & Ozawa is so.
Anyway, among two people, the big difference is administration
posture about the politics.

Saying easily,
Politics of Ozawa is "Money and power" and the politics of Kan
is "Integrity and fairness".

Which is most important to administer the government you think?

Kan won by the single combat of last September.
The reason is because there were more Kan than Ozawa the encouragement
of the nation.

However, why do this two person fight again?
Such time cann't be had left anymore by Japan, and it is comment
of the Wall Street journal.
Yesterday, I have just heard the word of "Japan syndrome" for the first time on NHK news.
The sharp decline of Japanes population is causing economical melt down, and foreign reserchers are studying how we deal with it.

We are going to have more elderly people and less young labor force.
Younger people carry the enormous burden on their shoulder. They have to feed parents and children,
and the goverment loan is trmendous while the economical situation is so critical..it's like there's no money, no job, no hope. But we have to survive... How?

Economy has to recover, of course, and it will, slowly, I guess.
But before that, the government has to have some money. Or fiscal balance can never be surplus. We found that there is not so much wasted money as they had said before the regeme changing election .

I think Mr.Kan have to make a decision to raise the consumption tax as he told at very first(I don't know why he took it back so fast).

Or..I don't know really.

Here is some article about "Japan syndrome"

きるふぇさん、Thank you for your comment.

I read the article of "the Japanese syndrome" too.
The various problems that Japan faces now are pointed out in this

I think that what a Japanese should judge is the matter of
the priority of the policy in the administraton.

that is a choice of following A or B.

Suppress the expenditure by the abolition of a useless policy
and the review of the policy of the non-efficiency.

Raise consumption tax early, and plan an income.

Do you think A & B, which to make it have top priority?
So sorry to interrupt the discussion.

To be honest, I don't really care about what the ruling party is or who the prime minister is, and I don't really believe the solution to Japan's problems will be affected by who is in power at this point.

Take Brazil for example; they had probably a much more serious deficit 20 to 30 years ago, and was the worst country in debt from other countries. But the Brazilians spent their money wisely on encouraging new businesses as well as investing in education. This paid off more than 20 years later as more educated and motivated young people entered the market, boosting the economy to where it is now.

At least economically, Japan's problems have built up over a long term period. I don't think ANYONE has a quick solution, so we as a people should come up with our own solutions. After all, politicians are only useful when you want them to work in a certain direction, and that decides whether each of us should vote for him or her.

Maybe the quickest solution is for each of us to think clearly about where we want to go as a country. I hear a lot of people saying Japan is going down, but only a few of us really talk about solutions. Without the people thinking, I don't think any political system, party, or leader would work.
Hello, O.Z-san

As for me, you are welcome that you participated in this discussion.
Because it is not an obstacle, please give your opinion freely.

As for the point that I pay attention to in your opinion,
it is invoked a Brazilian case.

Brazil fell into the crisis of the default in 1999 as you know,
but this country rode out difficulty by a national policy and
the effort of the nation finely and changed now in the creditor

Of the origin with the situation of Brazilian 1999 and the current
Japanese situation is big different, and who is creditor?

As for the Brajilian creditor, IMF, on the other hand,
the Japanese creditor are Japanese citizen oneself.
It is not the debt from the foreign country and foreign institution.

This is a big difference, I think.

and also this is maybe main reason why Japanese does not feel
a sense of impending crisis seriously.
But I am not secure at all.

When will Japanese be awakened to a sense of crisis?


Thank you for reading my opinion, and I appreciate your point about where Japan and Brazil owes money are different.

However, my point doesn't really change just because the Japanese government owes money nationally and not internationally. The solution to economic crises are never short-term, and may take decades of continued effort to change. My point is that we can learn from Brazil's example and must invest in education and make sure adults of the future don't just have qualifications, but real skills that can be put to use in the future.

I agree with you that in a sense, Japanese people in general are not taking the present situation seriously. All most people seem to care about is now and the near future, but what we and the government really need to do is start being more optimistic and motivate ourselves. I'm not talking about philosophy, motivation can be backed up by action. I believe there are people who can do this, but we need to give them space and help, not to discourage and criticize people.

I suppose all I want to say is that it's too easy to complain about the government and the media, but it's very hard to encourage those around us to do what they think is right, which is the element I think Japan needs the most.

As I've said before, my opinion focuses only on Japan's economic problems, though.
I quite agree with O.Z.san's opinion about encouraging good business and investing for education is what we need, and each of us should think where we go as a country.

And when I think of this, I think I have to expect from the government more.
Encouraging business and education are government's important task. And where we are heading, there must be a leader to show us. Because people always want to go every direct.

One more thing, even there may be some business successfully push up Japan's economy, situation won't go any better.
Actually, if the economy goes better, our national loan grows much faster and bigger that we will never be able to pay because of the interest system. Then there will possibly be a big crisis like in Greece. If it happens to Japan, we are talking about the world's one of the biggest economy's going collapse. I don't want to think what will happen after that.

That is why Keidanren wants the government to raise the concumption tax, I think.(I have read only the head line on Mixi news, so I don't know really)

I'm not a political person or economist, or even critic. I'm just a house wife. I'm interested in nature, middle east culture and my children.
I've never cared the economy or politics of Japan in my life.

But now, I'm so concerned that my home country is having a difficult time and the generation of our children will suffer more.

Like Massy-san says, we have to be awakened and have to choose the right way, right now.

Yet again, as a personal, to be positive and do better what I do does the only matter, I guess.
O.Z.san, Thank you very much.わーい(嬉しい顔)

I suppose that you are a disputant with your own opinion well.
so, I do not feel at all the necessity to argue against
your comment.
Because, the reason is that your viewpoint does not have
any mistake.ウインク

I am neither an adherrent of the Democratic Party nor
the Liberal Democratic Party, but what I worry about
the consciousness of the nation is becoming easily tired
of for the politics.

In other words, it is that the nation lacks patience.

This will become the voice of the change of government

The economy is sluggish if it become so, and
the government cannot accomplish the policy, and
the financial reconstruction by the nation will become
the long way off.

I think the nation gives a period of 4 years at least for
the government which we trusted once, With that in mind,
we should evaluate the result.
きるふぇsan, Thanks for your valuavle comment.

I feel glad that a standard of this community became higher by
your participation.わーい(嬉しい顔)

Your opinion is the opinion about the policies that all
government should let them promote it powerfully.

Investment in education and the reinforcement of the industry which
Japan is good at are particularly important. For example,
It is the fields such as Robot, Environmental technology,
Car, Shinkansen tecnology and Life science etc..

Therefore, we should not regret a budget for the field of
these growth, I think.

The patience of the nation is necessary of understanding and
support(not only criticism) of the nation for
"The policy of choice and the concentration", it too.

Hello, everybody

Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi faces a crisis by the issue of
sexual harassment, but will it be all out to survive?

He survived a crisis many times till now.
Will the Italian nation be generous to him again this time?

If it is so, probably there may not be the feelings to
"run out of patience" to the Italian nation. わーい(嬉しい顔)

I want to hear the opinion of Essayist, Nanami Shiono.
About 12,

I'm quite surprised that マッシーsan sounds tolerant on Berlusconi's sex scandal! I heard it's about prostitution and she was under-age, too.
I suppose itself can be enough to drive him to a downfall.
Or am I taking it too serious? I don't know what others will say.

Considering he's always been scandalous on women, money and power, just another scandal doens't seem a big problem, but maybe this was the last straw for Italian people as well, like Massy-san says.

I'm quite fed up with his indecency. Just imagine over70year-old man's paying money for a 17year-old belly dancer sexually intended, (that is what I heard?) it is not acceptable for a prime minister, isn't it?
きるふぇさん、Thank you,

Am I tolerant of this problem? No, it is wrong!

I mean,
What I wanted to say is Nothing of any feeling to "Run out of
patience"("堪忍袋の緒が切れる"という感情はないのか?)is in
the Italian civic ?

Because the Italian nation will forgive his act if he survives
this difficulty again. It is unbelievable thing in Japan.
Is it wrong?

Therefore I pay attention to it with the umpire of the Italian

I think that your thought is normal.
↑Sorry, Massy-san! I've misread you!

Yes, really, it is amaging that Berlusconi is still one of the most popular politicians in Italy despite his scandals.

Do they love a powerful man for the leader of the country?
Like Roman emperors?

I guess he's very good at manipulating his media image for being a media-king himself.
Hello, everybody,

"The consideration" of the defect man of integrity.

The news of the man of integrity who is completely opposite to
Naoto Date(Tiger mask) is reported recently.

I felt anger about two points in this news. It is;

*Offender Tatsuya Ichihashi having written a note in this timing
and another point is;

*The greedy mind of "Togensha" of the publication company(冬幻社)
which let him write a note.

Still, this man who never confess the motive of the urge to kill
is crafty with cowardice.

Even if the bereaved get the royalty of this book, they never accept
expiation of Ichihashi, and also, they never thank for the Japanese
reader who bought the book.

It is proper feelings that the bereaved have loathsomeness for
this note.

How do you think??

Hello, everybody,

I wanted to travel in Egypt, but seem not to be able to go to this
country now. 涙

What is the big reason why the government collapses?

Was angry of "The awakening of the Sphinx" that was not "The waking
of the Incaic civilization" ? わーい(嬉しい顔)
Hello, Massy-san!

About Egypt, I'm very concerned right now.
Egypt has been playing a big role on Middle East situation.
If Egypt changes, the whole middle east can change. And if Middle East changes, the whole world can change..

For instance, if Islamic fandamental regime occurs in the country, there will be no more peace treaty between Israel and Egypt.
Gaza will be free at the Egypt side. Israel will be in great danger of 'terrorism', or, I'm more worried, Gazan people will be in great danger again under Israeli enormous military force. In that case, Egypt will be the enemy of Israel again, however.
Suez canal can be controlled by Islamic fandamentalist and EU will have to be depend on Russia. America will lose controll in Middle East and 'Wars on terror' will go on and on...

Ok, I may be too pesimistic, then, if the next regime is mild democlatic one, it will be also big change. People in Egypt won't like the peace treaty with Israel as it is now anyway. There are too many hungry people in Egypt and their mouths had been shut by force for a long time and once, they have freedom to talk, there must be confusion, anyway.

Mubarak seems thinking to threaten America,"If I resigned, there will be chaos" that what he said. He wants America to back him up to keep controll Middle East. But, that will be the betrayal for democracy.

It seems that Egypt starts to move into bigger confusion, anyway, after29years of dictatorship.
I only wish the best for humanright's sake!

By the way, Massy-san, why don't you set a new topic when you want to change the topics? I understand your way is good, too, because people don't comment here! Each topic has very short thread, usually. That's why you had set a topic for discussing small topics, isn't it?

But, setting new topics each time is easy to read and search later on, I think?

Thank you for きるふぇさん, very valuable comment.

I read your comment three times.わーい(嬉しい顔)
The topic that I advocated this time was a too big matter to extend over politics and with religion and the race. 涙

And I reflect that this theme was not suitable for discussion in
the Mixi-friends.冷や汗

I stop the serious theme and it is lighter and I change that spirit
appear and will enjoy it in future.

Give me good advice from now on.

Anyway, an Egyptian problem is settled as soon as possible and expects
it so that peace occurs in all of the Egyptian nation.

Thank you, again,

In a park conveying breath of the spring nearby.
The right: A Japanese apricot with red blossoms, (紅梅)
The inside: White plum blossoms,(白梅)
The left: Japanese allspice,(蝋梅)
Hello, everybody,

Japanese each place were wrapped up from last night by snow.
Today, Kanto region is cold with 4 degrees ℃ in the daytime.

The top news of today's topic is "Mubarak steps downed", I think.

Because a conjugation of the international situations is a very
difficult theme, it should avoid it to argue with all of you easily,
but this news is still important for Japan.

*Where will Egypt go to from now on?
*What will the purpose of the Egyptian nation who defeated Mubarak
*Do you think that a dictatorial regime gives big influence to
following North Korea?

Foodstuffs and oil rise in price slowly.
How do you think about?

L:My working friend a heron
R:Nearest train across Edogawa

Hello, Massy-san!

Thank you for the nice photos of early spring in japan!

Yes, Egypt! Nothing should be avoided to talk about, I guess?
We're in the place to discuss on social topics. I just hope for more opinions after me.

> *Where will Egypt go to from now on?

I don't know much about Egypt, but sure it will be better than what it was..40% of the nation in poverty and Mubarak had kept $700billion in banks?

The revolution has just started and the future ahead is still foggy.
But there will be a new constitution followed by election under it.
I hope the new regime will be anti-America, moderate democratic one, like Turkey.

> *What will the purpose of the Egyptian nation who defeated Mubarak

They wanted to be free from "controlled poverty". They wanted to be recognized as nation. So what they want now is true democracy and better economy. Mubarak's property must be handed to Egyptian people soon.

>*Do you think that a dictatorial regime gives big influence to
following North Korea?

Other autocratic leaders will have fear? Yes, I think so. And people under them had been encouraged by Tunisian and Egyptian people. I was impressed by the power of facebook and twitter. Algeria, Yemen, Jordan, Sudan are following. I don't know what will happen to them, though.
North Korea? How many of them know what happened in Egypt? But no dictatorship lasts forever.

> Foodstuffs and oil rise in price slowly.
How do you think about?

If the confusion increase, there always can happen oilshock. Because it is happening in middle-east. I'm not good at economy at all. I hope somebody will help me to have a picture what will happen economically.

きるふぇさん、Thank you very much.
The comment from you is very significant for me.

Well, This Egyptian regime collapse brought world countries and
people a big shock and it is also studied very much when I know
the world for me.

At first, It's my big surprise that Mubarak suppressed the own
nation so much & so long.

The recent news about him seems to express the end of the dictator.
such as,
The dictator is a large amount of property placed under distraint
by the Swiss government,
An intense quarrel between sons.
Though he moved to the health resort, he seem to have become the
critical condition.

In this sense, Your comment is valuable.
Particulary, What I paid my attention to is the direction that
Egypt aims at from now on will be Turkey.

A lot of must study came out for me.
What kind of political system is the country of Turkey?
What is Islamic fundamentalism?
Why does al Qaeda cause terrorism?

A riot happened in Iran.
Is the Iranian nation suppressed by President Ahmadinejad too?

Is the Yemeni country all right?
This country's GDP/P is only $2,600. on the other hand,
Oman is $25,800. It is a so big difference.

I hope eagerly The Arab world people can live peacefully in society
equal freely having neither the oppression nor the terrorism.

I wait to enjoy your commentary.

It is so!  Are you all right to be My-Mixi friend?
Hello Everybody, Have you been?

As you know, Japan is exposed to the crisis of
the radioactive contamination as well as an earthquake and
a tsunami disaster newly now.

This radioactivity crisis is a still more serious problem
for not only Japan but also the world nation.

Will Japanese mind of that time when we stood up from
World War 2 revive again?

How do you think?
Merry Christmas!

It is going to be over this year in another one week.

What kind of year does it seem to be for you for this one year?
Really many social phenomena were caused in the world.
All of you know most for this one year and learn and think an experience to be what was played.
So, please let me ask you what was the most impressive event for yourself?
Do not you change it as a friend of this community by all means?

Anything are OK, for the memory of the trip, deep impression, having been sad, work, politics, economy and the desire to the next year etc,.

According to the registration, it is participated inthiscommunity1,217
I wait for the word comment from many all of you.
Thank you,




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