

Catuddisa Sangha SystemコミュのMarch Project 2008 (1)

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March Project 2008
Project Proposal

1. Title “The Pray Day for World Peace by Buddhists” (March Project)

2. Term May 31st ~ June 6th 2008

3. Purpose
All the Buddhists pray together in memory of the death – by war, slaughter or natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunami and drought with one accord. The grief for the war, the struggle, the terror and sufferings bring all the Buddhists to pray not only for the death but also for the establishment of the lasting peace.

4. Meaning
Buddha had ever taught “Hatred could never heal hatred”.
After the terrorist attack of 9.11 in US, we became to awake the truth of that teaching once again, and became to recognize that Buddhism should take an indispensable role to stop the growing humiliation and hostility occurring from two extreme bases both Christianity and Islam for centuries, with violence.
On the other hand, serious persecutions concerning with basic human rights in Myanmar, Vietnam and Tibet have been caused in Asia, Buddhism culture areas, for long years, and it is continuing until now without any effective solutions. In fact, there are many efforts to solve among sincere Buddhists, International organizations and NGOs. However, it seems they can not be able to obtain conclusive evidence still now.
On reconsidering this matter, on the contrary, this is the time of perfect opportunity for solidarity among Buddhists in the world as the person who believes Buddhism sincerely. Buddhism is not only for the development of our internal spiritual life but also for reforming our societies as “Engaged Buddhism” from the first.
In fact, historically, in many areas, Buddhism has been developed and transformed according to each acclimation, custom and culture. However, we have been shared the same purpose and goal in Buddhism basically.
This project will contribute to bring awareness of sharing the same purpose and same goal among different sects of Buddhists, and to promote mutual understanding as one of the first step of Buddhist solidarity by March, praying and workshops for the future of this world.
5. Justification
Catuddisa Sangha has no discrimination against any of nationality, races or languages. It has a task to build a “Buddha Land” of great harmony with all Buddhists in collaboration. All the sects of Buddhism have been taking over “Catuddisa Sangha” as the comprehensive concept since its beginning. Therefore, originally it has been existed and been shared among all sects or orders in Buddhism. Primarily it could be said every Buddhist is a member of Catuddisa Sangha originally.
In general, there are three vehicles in Buddhism, Theravada (Hina-yana), Mahayana and Vajra-yana around the world. Buddhism, that has been expanded from India to whole regions of Asia in these centuries, is weakened under the rapid Modernization in both economically and politically so called “Globalization” recently.
Nowadays, these three vehicles are unevenly distributed to East Asia, South-East Asia, South Asia, Tibet and Mongol area. Now then, the influence of Buddhism is continuously declining because most of all humans seek for efficient life which satisfies their material desires under the Globalization.
Catuddisa Sangha facilitates the “Buddhist Co-prosperity Sphere” (Autonomy) by mutual support as a model of “Buddha Land” toward the Globalization which causes serious environmental disasters and social divide for example, North-South issues, and disparities between rich and poor by advanced countries, multinational corporations and the military-industrial complex.
Catuddisa Sangha proposes to sublate it (present world system) by establishing the Buddhist Co-prosperity Sphere, a model of “Buddha Land”, with middle-way and non-violence actions. At first, it would be built in Asia where have been concerns with Buddhism from ancient times. And secondly, it would be the effective countermeasure as one another Globalization against to the present Globalization. In this meaning, it would be able to say, “World Restoration” to emerge true meaning of “World Peace”.
The aim of Catuddisa Sangha is not for the enlargement of Catuddisa Sangha as an organization, but for the enlargement of the things which accomplish the aim of Catuddisa Sangha. In this meaning, Catuddisa Sangha is consisted of the awakened individuals completely. Because to emerge such awakened individuals is the final goal of Buddhism. The individuals belong to various organizations such as the government agency, the company, the school, the corporation, the religious order and NGO etc, however Catuddisa Sangha is not the kind of organization which stands side-by-side with them. Catuddisa Sangha gives the chance to individuals to transform its closing situation, and establish the influence to transform not only his (her) life style but also present Globalization. It is desirable that all organizations and the individuals participate in according to this idea of Catuddisa Sangha, but it does not mean those organizations are made under the Catuddisa Sangha. It is needless to say that representation of Catuddisa Sangha is the founder, Shakyamuni Buddha eternally (except tentative representative position for each project), and every member in the Sangha is a coordinator or a facilitator who forms Buddha's work equally.
Present days, Catuddisa Sangha has expanded in Japan, Taiwan, Cambodia, Thailand, Tibet (India), Mongolia as well as Europe and US, however each Sangha is equal mutually, and it does not be taken centralized organizational system. Catuddisa Sangha has a potential power to stop the repetition of War and Terrorism by the deep-rooted human-beings desire, and to reform present crisis.
Beyond any differences, we have been taken several cooperative actions jointly and severally to protect and propagate Buddhism, to operate projects for Environmental Crisis and Human Rights Crisis in above mentioned areas with common recognition under the slogan of “Three Vehicles Harmony”.
Eventually, this March Project is the way to expand the movement to recognize the meaning all over the world.

6. Background
In 2003, we had Peace March by Japanese Mahayana Buddhists and Cambodian Theravada Buddhists called “Sat-Dharma Yietra” which was accepted by Ministry of Cult and Religion (MCR), Royal Government of Cambodia with a lot of official and general participants in Cambodia, succeeding “Dharma Yietra” which had been lead by Maha-Gosananda, a Cambodian monk.
In 2003, Cambodia faced with serious hunger crisis in some villages of Battambang province. Catuddisa Sangha has begun to assist and protect Cambodian Buddhists. We provided the needed fund to open called “Buddha Rice Bank” and to construct called “Buddha Pond” and “Buddha Road” in those areas through AIM Cambodia, one of the counterpart NGO of Catuddisa Sangha. All of these projects are going well with villagers and local authorities, and we have constructed “2nd Buddha Pond” at Oslabaan village in 2007, and now we are constructing “New Buddha Road” from “1st Buddha Pond” to 2nd Pond with a lot of supports from heartfelt Buddhists in the world.
Since then it has been succeeded for five years until now in capital city Phnom Penh and some villages where Catuddisa Sangha has rural development and humanitarian assistance projects in Battambang province in Cambodia successfully under the fruitful cooperation with Cambodian officials, MCR, Buddhist University, Buddhist High school and Buddhists Institute. We have also done to appeal our statements to several Medias.
On the other hand, Catuddisa Sangha has joined as a group member in TSNJ (Tibet Support Network Japan, http://www.geocities.jp/t_s_n_j/ ) based in Tokyo to cooperate with Tibetan supporters and NGOs since 2005, and it profits to exchange real time information as for Tibetan issues not only inside Japan but also worldwide.
In 2006, March Project has expanded to be held in Thailand with the cooperation of Thai Theravada Buddhists and Taiwanese Buddhist as a representative of Catuddisa Sangha Taiwan. It was held at Bha-Swang-Wang Temple under the strong collaboration of Venerable.Tham, a chief monk of the temple, in Aranyaprathet.
Moreover, Nichiren order (http://www.nichiren.or.jp/index.html ), one of main Japanese Buddhist orders, has dispatched Venerable a scholar from Minobusan University in Yamanashi prefecture, Japan, to have a lecture of “Lotus Sutra” and St.Nichiren Doctrine as a meaningful workshop with Theravada Buddhists since 2006. Since then, we have changed the project name to “March Project” under the above mentioned purposes.
Catuddisa Sangha Japan and Taiwan also had joint project survey to south India, Tibetan settlement areas such as Kollegal, Honsu and Bylakuppe, on November. We could agree the March Project 2007 with Sera Jye Monastery, one of the biggest Tibet Buddhism monastery in India. We’ve also had survey for technical assistance for Tibetan farmers in Kollegal area, and concluded the supporting to install irrigation using ram-pump which does not need any fuel and electricity in 2007 with office of the representative Dhondenling settlement.
Eventually, in 2007, it has started to be held in Sera Jye Monastery by 3,496 Tibetan Buddhist monks in south India on 4th June as joint project with Sera Jye Mahayana Buddhist University.
In Taiwan, it has also been held the March Project by Taiwanese, Japanese, Cambodian and Tibetan peoples as joint project with Taiwan-Tibet Exchange Foundation (http://www.ttef.org.tw/) successfully in Taipei on the same day. This project could get fruitful support from Friends of Tibet, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy, Peacetime Foundation Taiwan etc. Our slogan of “Three Vehicles Harmony” has been accomplished among Theravada, Mahayana and Vajra-yana at last in here.
Besides, both in Thailand and Cambodia in 2007, there ware several March Projects in Aranyaprathet, Battambang and Phnom Penh with fruitful collaboration among Mahayana and Theravada from the end of May to the beginning of June. One of the March from Catuddisa Sangha Center (Headquarter of Cambodia: called “Sat dharma Center”) to the Killing Field, the genocide place of Pol Pot regime (Khmer Rouge), in the suburb of Phnom Penh city has been held flourishingly by numerous number of Cambodian, Thai and Japanese.
Especially, on 1st June 2007, Catuddisa Sangha concluded Alliance with Cambodian Theravada Buddhism, both Maha-nikaya and Dharmayutt-nikaya, which accelerate the memorial movement of Buddhist solidarity. We have concluded the “3rd Buddha Pond” in Takeo province as the first mutual aid project with Cambodian Theravada Buddhism in 2007.
In Japan, Catuddisa Sangha Hokkaido has been established in 2005, and Catuddisa Sangha Tokyo has been established in 2007. Each Sangha has been already operating its own projects such as publishing photo book, movie show as for development education, lecture of our doctrine etc. On 10th March 2007, Catuddisa Sangha Japan has invited the representative of Catuddisa Sangha Taiwan to join the demonstration of Rasa Upraising Memorial Day which organized by TSNJ in Tokyo, and exchanged meaningful ideas and information between Taiwan and Japan.
Besides, Catuddisa Sangha has attended “5th International conference of Tibet support groups” (http://www.tsg2007.org/ )held in Brussels, Belgium on May 2007, and expanded the network worldwide concerning with Tibetan Issues. Moreover, Catuddisa Sangha has been invited by Taiwan Foundation of Democracy to attend the biennial conference of WFDA (World Forum for Democratization in Asia, http://www.wfda.net/index.htm ) in Manila, Philippine on September 2007. Through the forum, Catuddisa Sangha could contact with UBCV (Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam, http://www.queme.net/ ), and discussed about mutual cooperation in the future. Further more, through WFDA Catuddisa Sangha could network with Empowering people for Strong Society in Thailand to cooperate March Project in Thailand 2008.
March Project has been producing these great meaning results to enable transnational Buddhist solidarity effectively.

7. Schedule
The supporters of this project – who share the spirit of the Catuddisa Sangha, will pray for the world peace at their homes or temples or church where is convenient for participants. We intend to set the day for the pray by Buddhists on 4th June, 2008. However during May 31st ~ June 5th (2008) is still available. Anybody who are interested in can join this memorial service at following places.

Stage 1 Japan and Taiwan (Held individually at each temple and other places.)
Stage 2 Aranyaprathet (Thailand), Battambang, Takeo and Phnom Penh (Cambodia)
Stage 3 Aranyaprathet (Thailand), India (Tibetans settlements areas)
Stage 4 Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia) and others

(Tentative Schedule of Stage 2 and 3)
Stage 1 4th June 2008 (Japan and Taiwan)
Stage 2
31stMay (Sat) Japan (each air-port) →Bangkok →Aranyaprathet
Stay at Aran. (Market Motel)

1st Jun (Sun) Ceremony and Workshop in Thailand
(Bha-Swan-Wang temple)
AM---Panelist session
(Tibetan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia, Thai,
Taiwan, Japan)
PM---Subcommittee Workshop
Evening---Pray for World Peace by all participants
Stay at Aranyaprathet (Market Motel)

2nd Jun (Mon) Divides 2 missions
?Mission to: Cambodia
?Mission to: India


?Mission to Cambodia
2nd Jun (Mon) Aranyaprathet→Battambang
Stay at Battambang (Teo Hotel)
3rd Jun (Tue) March from Oslabaan to Preipriel village (Buddha Road)
Move to Phnom Penh and stay. (Juliana Hotel)
4th Jun (Wed) March Project from CS Center to Killing Field
Stay at Phnom Penh
5th Jun (Thu) March Project in Takeo (3rd Buddha Pond)
Stay at Phnom Penh
6th Jun (Fri) Phnom Penh →Bangkok → Japan (each air-port)
*will arrive next morning.

?Mission to India
2nd Jun (Mon) Aranyaprathet→Bangkok→Bangalore
Stay at Bangalore (Shangrila Hotel)
3rd Jun (Tue) Bangalore→Bylakuppe (vehicle)
Stay at Sera Jye Guest House
4th Jun (Wed) March Project in Sera Jye Monastery and other places
Tibetan Issue Workshop
Stay at Sera Jye Guest House
5th Jun (Thu) Bylakuppe→Mysore (vehicle)
Maharaja Palace, etc (sight seeing)
Stay at Mysore (Hotel)
6th Jun (Fri) Mysole →Bangalore → Bangkok → Japan (each air-port)
*will arrive next morning.



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