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Vatican: Pope 'extremely upset' that remarks sounded offensive to Muslims


VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope Benedict XVI is "extremely upset" that Muslims have been offended by some of his words in a recent speech in Germany, the Vatican said Saturday.
The new Vatican secretary of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, said the pope's position on Islam is unmistakably in line with Vatican teaching that the church "esteems Muslims, who adore the only God."

Thus, the pope is "extremely upset that some portions of his speech were able to sound offensive to the sensibilities of Muslim believers and have been interpreted in a way that does not at all correspond to his intentions," Bertone said in a statement.

The words, in a speech Benedict gave to university professors earlier in the week during a pilgrimage to his homeland, angered many in the Islamic world and raised doubts over whether a planned trip to predominantly Muslim Turkey in late November would go ahead.

Leaders across the Muslim world have demanded the pope apologize for his remarks on Islam and jihad, or holy war, despite earlier Vatican's assurances that he meant only to emphasize the incompatibility between faith and war.

*ご苦労様でした 無事帰還祈る

Atlantis astronauts complete final spacewalk

Two astronauts made a host of fixes Friday to the International Space Station on a trouble-plagued spacewalk that was also notable as the likely farewell tour for one of NASA's most accomplished spacewalkers, Joseph Tanner.

made a host of fixes
a trouble-plagued トラブルが続いてたらこのフレーズ


Scientist plans tail prosthetic for dolphin


CLEARWATER, Fla. (AP) — The news from Indian River Lagoon was too familiar — another dolphin gravely injured by human thoughtlessness. So was the anger.
But marine scientist Steve McCulloch saw immediately this rescue was unique.

The baby bottlenose dolphin — dubbed Winter — lost her tail, but maybe her life could be saved.

dub:to give something or someone a humorous name that
descrive thier character

"How could somebody be this stupid?" said McCulloch, director of dolphin and whale research at Florida's Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution. "The first thing is the anger. The next thing you do is channel that anger into a solution."

The solution for Winter may be a prosthetic tail. If the logistics can be worked out, Winter's prosthesis would be the first for a dolphin who lost its tail and the key joint that allows it to move in powerful up and down strokes. Another dolphin in Japan has a prosthesis, the first in the world, to replace a missing part of its tail.


prosthetic(58587):an artifical leg, tooth, or other part of the body which takes the place of a missing part



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