

真のキリスト・ニューエルサレムコミュのサンプル説教(その3)2009年1月29日 3:33:17

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 Second Lesson, Matthew 13:1-9
1. The same day went Jesus out of the house, and sat by the sea side.
2. And great multitudes were gathered together unto him, so that he went into a ship, and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
3. And he spake many things unto them in parables, saying, Behold, a sower went forth to sow;
4. And when he sowed, some seeds fell by the way side, and the fowls came and devoured them up:
5. Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth: and forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth:
6. And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away.
7. And some fell among thorns; and the thorns sprung up, and choked them:
8. But other fell into good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundredfold, some sixtyfold, some thirtyfold.
9. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.

 Third Lesson, Matthew 13:24-32
24. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is likened unto a man which sowed good seed in his field:
25. But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way.
26. But when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared the tares also.
27. So the servants of the householder came and said unto him, Sir, didst not thou sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it tares?
28. He said unto them, An enemy hath done this. The servants said unto him, Wilt thou then that we go and gather them up?
29. But he said, Nay; lest while ye gather up the tares, ye root up also the wheat with them.
30. Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.
31. Another parable put he forth unto them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field:
32. Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown, it is the greatest among herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof.

 Fourth Lesson, TCR 580
 Every man may be regenerated, each according to his state; for the simple and the learned are regenerated differently; as are those engaged in different pursuits, and those who fill different offices; those who search into the external things of the Word, and those who search into its internals; those who are principled in natural good from their parents, and those who are in evil; those who from their infancy have entered into the vanities of the world, and those who sooner or later have withdrawn from them; in a word, those who constitute the Lord's external church are regenerated differently from those who constitute His internal church, and this variety, like that of men's features and dispositions, is infinite; and yet everyone, according to his state, may be regenerated and saved.
 [2] The truth of this can be seen in the heavens, to which all the regenerate go, in that there are three heavens, a highest, a middle, and a lowest; and those who by regeneration acquire love to the Lord enter the highest heaven, those who acquire love to the neighbor, enter the middle heaven, and those who merely practice external charity, but at the same time acknowledge the Lord as God the Redeemer and Savior, enter the lowest heaven. All these are saved but in different ways.
 [3] All may be regenerated and thus saved, because the Lord with His Divine good and truth is present with every man; this is the source of everyone's life and his ability to understand and will, together with freedom of choice in spiritual things; in no man are these lacking. And the means to these are also given, for Christians in the Word, and for Gentiles in their religions, which teach that there is a God, and which furnish precepts respecting good and evil. From all this it follows that everyone may be saved; consequently that it is not the Lord's fault if man is not saved, but man's, because he does not cooperate.

14. *Please raise. Please open the Hymn 390. ( The Lord is the foundation of the Church)

15. *Please be seated. We shall read the sermon "HOPE IN REGENERATION" with a respect.

 In the name of the Lord, the One only God--the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Amen.


 [Sermon start]
 The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field, which indeed is the least of all seeds; but when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and nest in its branches (Matt. 13:31-32) .

 Sometimes, when we are overwhelmed with the cares of our daily life, when our spiritual vision becomes clouded or distorted because of the natural temptations that are intrinsic to our earthly existence, we may become oppressed with a feeling that our regeneration by the Lord is something unattainable in this life, something that we have to wait until we enter the spiritual world. We may even reach a point at which we imagine that all our labors in the fields of our spirit are in vain, and we despair of ever being regenerated, either in this life or the next. The weaknesses of our natural human condition, our occasional yieldings to the dictates of our proprium----our ego----and perhaps a sense that we have failed to put into practice the teachings of the Word with respect to a life of charity----all these may cause us to take a pessimistic view of our state, and to lose hope in our present and future spiritual possibilities .

 The Lord's view of us, though, is never pessimistic. On the contrary: He sees our potential for regeneration in the smallest possible things within us things no bigger than a mustard seed. Throughout the Word there are messages of hope for our spiritual development. We are taught in countless passages that the Lord, in His infinite love and mercy, is continually leading us from evil to good; all we need do is to help Him nurture that tiny seed of spiritual good that we have from Him within ourselves. If we do help Him, as of ourselves, then He in turn will help the seed to produce strong roots, to grow, and eventually to become transformed into a beautiful tree where the birds of spiritual truth (cf. AC 777) will build their nests----the holy things of love (cf.AC 414)----in the branches of our affection (cf.AC 4231). In that tiny seed, therefore, lies the beginning of our regeneration----here and now, in this world----which will continue to flourish to eternity.

 The parable of the mustard seed is the third in the series of parables that are given by the Lord in this chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It parallels the account of the third day of creation----the third stage in the process of regeneration----that is revealed to us by the internal, or spiritual, sense in the Book of Genesis. But at the same time, in giving us, at the end of the parable, the image of a great tree in which the birds of the air come to build their nests or, as the Greek text says, their tabernacles, it looks beyond that stage----to the final point in regeneration, the seventh day, when a person at last becomes a likeness of God. The Lord is showing us here what enormous spiritual growth can ultimately result from sowing the tiniest seed of good from truth.
 からし種のたとえ話は、たとえ話のシリーズの中の三番目のものです、それはマタイの福音書の中の、この章で主によって与えられました。それは創世記の三日目の物語と平行しています−−再生の過程の中の三番目の段階です−−それは創世記の中の、内なるもしくは霊的な意義により、私達に啓示されています。しかし同時に、私達に与えられていますが、そのたとえ話の最後の、一本の巨大な木のイメージ、そこに空の鳥達が来て、彼らの巣を作ります、もしくはギリシャ語のテキストが言っていますように、彼らの仮庵、その段階を超えたところを−−再生での最終地点を、七日目を、人が最後に、神の似姿となる時を、見つめています。 主は私達に、最も小さな真理からの善の種を播く事により、その究極の結果として、どのように巨大な霊的な成長をなすことが出来るのか、ここで見せておられます。


The parable of the mustard seed is the third in the series of parables that are given by the Lord in this chapter of the Gospel of Matthew. It parallels the account of the third day of creation----the third stage in the process of regeneration----that is revealed to us by the internal, or spiritual, sense in the Book of Genesis. But at the same time, in giving us, at the end of the parable, the image of a great tree in which the birds of the air come to build their nests or, as the Greek text says, their tabernacles, it looks beyond that stage----to the final point in regeneration, the seventh day, when a person at last becomes a likeness of God. The Lord is showing us here what enormous spiritual growth can ultimately result from sowing the tiniest seed of good from truth.
 からし種のたとえ話は、たとえ話のシリーズの中の三番目のものです、それはマタイの福音書の中の、この章で主によって与えられました。それは創世記の三日目の物語と平行しています−−再生の過程の中の三番目の段階です−−それは創世記の中の、内なるもしくは霊的な意義により、私達に啓示されています。しかし同時に、私達に与えられていますが、そのたとえ話の最後の、一本の巨大な木のイメージ、そこに空の鳥達が来て、彼らの巣を作ります、もしくはギリシャ語のテキストが言っていますように、彼らの仮庵、その段階を超えたところを−−再生での最終地点を、七日目を、人が最後に、神の似姿となる時を、見つめています。 主は私達に、最も小さな真理からの善の種を播く事により、その究極の結果として、どのように巨大な霊的な成長をなすことが出来るのか、ここで見せておられます。

 We are taught in the Arcana Coelestia that "the Lord is He who sows, the 'seed' is His Word, and the 'earth' is man." "When the 'earth' or man, has been prepared to receive celestial seeds from the Lord, and to produce something of what is good and true, then the Lord first causes some tender thing to spring forth. . . then something more useful which again bears seed in itself. . . and at length something good which becomes fruitful" (AC 29) . At this third stage, a person still thinks that whatever good he does and whatever truth he speaks are from himself. He does not yet realize that it is the Lord who sows the seed; he is still functioning on the level of appearances, so that he thinks it is he who has done the sowing. He does not yet have the life of true faith, but he is in a state receptive of it, a state of preparation. It does not matter at this point that the person is operating on the basis of self-merit. The Lord can still use the good that is there as a foundation for later spiritual development. In this state, we are taught, there is truly something of good, even though it may be, like the mustard seed, the least of all.

We should remember that such small beginnings can occur at any moment of our lives, in acts that we ourselves may consider insignificant. Many of us have had the experience, for example, of going out of our way to help a stranger find a street or an address he is looking for. Or perhaps we have cooked a meal and brought it to someone who was ill and temporarily housebound. In carrying out these simple acts, we have undoubtedly felt a sense of happiness, a delight in having been of use to another human being. If we have had such experiences, we may also have been aware that the intensity of our feeling of joy was directly proportional to the degree in which our proprium, our ego, was absent. In other words, the more we acted spontaneously and straight from the good implanted in us by the Lord, and the less interference there was from our self, from thoughts of merit or reward, the greater our pleasure was. We may forget these experiences, or if we do remember them, we probably do not imagine that they can have any connection with our regeneration. But every act of this kind is a seed that the Lord is sowing in us. Our soil is still full of impurities, but the Lord can use the nutritive elements, the love, in it to help the seed to germinate and produce the "tender herb."

 Gradually as faith is being conjoined to love within us by the Lord, the parable tells us that the seed grows and becomes the greatest among the herbs. This process may be faster than we think. Mustard in the natural world grows with remarkable speed, and can reach a height often feet or more within a surprisingly short time. In choosing to use the example of mustard in this parable, the Lord is encouraging us and helping us to understand that if only we cooperate with Him in sustaining and caring for the tiny seed He has sown, our spiritual growth can be very rapid indeed.

Finally, when the state of conjunction of faith and love has been attained, there is, according to the parable, a transformation. The herb, which in nature has a life cycle of only a year, is transformed into a tree. That tree represents our spiritual transformation. It has now become a suitable place for the birds of the heavens, which signify truths, to establish themselves (cf. AC 55). We are taught that "with a person who is in good, that is, in love and charity, the seed that comes from the Lord is made fruitful and multiplied to such an extent that it cannot be numbered for multitude" (AC 1941). The full growth of the tree from this seed is achieved in the other life, since here, in this world, it has to struggle in the midst of jungles and thickets, which represent extraneous things that enter our consciousness, as well as worldly pleasures, cares, and anxieties. In the other life, though, when these are put aside, not only does it achieve incredible development, but it is multiplied into a whole garden of trees. The Lord assures us that from the smallest seed, knowledge, intelligence, and wisdom, along with their delights, are made fruitful and multiply, growing to eternity (cf. AC 1941).

 How does our state of reception develop? How does the mustard seed take root and ultimately become transformed into a tree? In our lesson for today, the Lord compares the kingdom of heaven to the grain of mustard seed that a person has taken and sown in his field. In another parable, in the Gospel of Mark, the Lord says: "The kingdom of God is as if a man should scatter seed on the ground, and should sleep by night and rise by day, and the seed should sprout and grow, he himself does not know how. For the earth yields crops by itself: first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head" (Mark 4:26-29).  いかに私達の受け入れの状態は成長するのでしょうか?いかにからし種は根を張るのでしょうか、そして究極的には木へと変容するのでしょうか?今日の私達の聖言の朗読の中で、主は天の御国をからし種と比較しておられます、それを人間が受け取り、そして彼の畑の中に蒔きます。別のたとえ話では、マルコの福音書の中で、主はおっしゃられます、「神の国は、人が地に種を蒔くようなもので、夜は寝て、朝は起き、そうこうしているうちに、種は芽を出して育ちます。どのようにしてか、人は知りません。地は人手によらず実をならせるもので、初めに苗、次に穂、次に穂の中に実がはいります。実が熟すると、人はすぐにかまを入れます。収穫の時が来たからです」(マルコ4:26−29)。

 "Scattering seed on the ground," or sowing, we are taught, signifies "in the supreme sense Divine truth which is from the Lord who is the sower; and in the internal sense it is the truth and good with man that are derived from it" (AC 3404), since "from the Lord alone comes heavenly seed, that is, all good and truth" (AC 3373). The appearance to man, however, is that he has sown the seed, because "although the Lord does all things and man does nothing from self, the Lord wills that man should act as if from self in all that comes to his perception. For without man's cooperation as if from self, there can be no reception of truth and good, thus no implantation and regeneration. For to will is the Lord's gift to man; and because the appearance to man is that this is from self, the Lord gives him to will as if from self" (AE 911) . The Lord thus gives us the freedom to will, as He gives us the freedom to think and to act. Like the man in the parable who does not know how the seed springs and grows up, we are unaware of the Lord's operation in us, but by means of freedom He bends us from evil and bends us to good. He leads us so gently; so imperceptibly; that we tend to imagine that everything comes from ourselves. In freedom, we are taught, the Lord "inseminates good and roots it into our very lives; and that good remains to eternity" (AC 9587) . The Lord compares the blade, the head, and the grain to a person's spiritual rebirth: first by means of scientifics, that is, knowledge that is learned and stored up in our memory; then by truths of faith, that is, truths from the Word that become an intrinsic part of our lives; and finally by the goods of charity (cf. AC 5212).

Only the Lord knows the state of our regeneration, and it is idle for us to speculate on it. Our job is to help the Lord night and day, that is, in all of our states, to cultivate our garden of uses from the seeds that He sows, in the sure knowledge that if we do our part as of ourselves, the Lord will make that garden bloom to eternity with the beauty of goodness and truth.

 The Lord tells us in the Gospel of Luke that "the kingdom of God does not come with observation. . . For indeed, the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:20-21). We should always remember this message, which is restated in various ways on many occasions in the Word for example in the book Heaven and Hell, where the Lord says that "heaven is within man, and those that have heaven within them come into heaven. Heaven with man is acknowledging the Divine and being led by the Divine" (HH 319); and in the Arcana Coelestia we are taught that "he who is regenerate has in himself the kingdom of God and becomes in image a kingdom of God, or heaven" (AC 5212). That tiny mustard seed in our parable is the nucleus of the heaven within us----the heaven that we can become. It begins with the first planting of the seed by the Lord in the ground that has been prepared to receive it.



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