

NY働く女達コミュのインテリアデザインインターンシップ:Interior Design Internship

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はじめまして。 ショウジ アキコ と申します。

現在、フロリダ州にある美術大学、Ringling College of Art and Designに通っていて今年で4年目になります。メジャーはもちろんインテリアデザインです。一月から始まるインターンシップを今探しているのですが何方でもよろしいので何か情報をお持ちでいる方いらっしゃらないでしょうか?


ResumeとCover letterとPortfolioは下記にございます。


To Whom It May Concern,

My name is Akiko Shoji. I am an interior design student from Ringling College of Art and Design and I am looking for an internship position mainly in New York City, Boston, or San Francisco. Here is my cover letter. I attached my resume and I also added the link for you to see my samples of portfolio. If there are any questions, concerns or comments feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.


To Whom It May Concern:

I would like to express my interest in applying as an interior design intern. My knowledge of traditional skills, computer programs of AutoCAD, Studio MAX, Adobe Creative Suites, and Microsoft Office, a creatively trained mind, cross-cultural experience, and Ringling College of Art and Design education qualify me for your position.

As noted on my enclosed resume, I have advanced skills in developing graphic interior designs as shown by my award SONY kiosk and Bedroom showroom. These projects enhanced my ability to work under pressure, develop preliminary concepts, and create final displays that embody the requirements of assignments and
clients'needs. I am comfortable rendering graphic sketches by hand and developing computer generated spaces on programs such as Studio Max and AutoCAD.

Supplementing these skills, you will note that I have significant public relations abilities from my work in customer service as a Staff Assistant at a major restaurant in Tokyo to the ability to speak fluently in Japanese and English. While there, I collaborated with co-workers, and diplomatically responded to clients’ concerns under frequently stressful situations. My facility in cross-cultural environments will provide an outstanding foundation to my future career in the interior design industry, and I am ready to explore my skills and challenge my strengths.

Enclosed is my resume please feel free to contact me with any questions. Otherwise I will e-mail you in one week to follow-up and see if you need any additional information. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting with you and discussing my background relative to your needs. Thank you for your time.

Yours Sincerely,

Akiko Shoji

Enclosure: Resume


The link to my portfolio


Or If you would like to see the whole portfolio, you will be able to check on my mixi site:


If this does not work then click my name, ショウタロウ -> photo album-> PORTFOLIO





NY働く女達 更新情報


