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Number 4054 dawn / sunrise / sunset / dusk / twilight / daybreak

English exercises.

I express my personality as far as possible
When we look back on our lives, it's as if somebody else had written the novel of our lives.
A rent is earned with fragment
brutal ambassador is carer for wife who has 'debilitating' Alzheimer's
It was hard to see him clearly in the twilight.
dawn / sunrise / sunset / dusk / twilight / daybreak
daybreak fee retains intention
nuclear power plant use atomic force
Flexible training get rid of stiff body
He wants to be there when it matters
I feel inferior when despite in English.
I get embarrassed about abounding in English.
I have no confidence in my English to date.
A Finlander pulls up voice from bottom of abdomen
prominent tribute casually emerge
I'm being at lonely room in every time.
But this room has all wisdom and little foolish.
I prefer to make own voice from there.
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