

WE ARE THE FALLENコミュのThe Fallen 結成-記事その2(和訳あり)

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Carly Smithson, ex-Evanescence trio to form The Fallen

Carly Smithson is joining the original guys of Evanescence, who are re-launching as a hard-rock band called The Fallen. They'll make a formal announcement Monday in Hollywood, with a press conference and first live performance. The band's debut song, Bury Me Alive, will be available at that time for free download at wearethefallen.com.

The lineup consists of Smithson and three of the four original members of Evanescence -- guitarists Ben Moody and John LeCompt and drummer Rocky Gray -- as well as bassist Marty O'Brien, whose recording and touring credits include Disturbed and Kelly Clarkson.

"This band is going to be theatrical and in-your-face and huge," Smithson says. "Everything that we do is just going to be big."

Smithson had been working on a solo project of her own until connecting with Moody a few months ago. Now, she says, "I couldn't be happier. Creatively we're all on the same page. Visually, we're all on the same page. We want a massive stage production. We watch the same TV shows, everything. It's almost weird, that we're like an awesome family all of a sudden."

Moody took some convincing to give the American Idol singer a chance, even though he had a friend and another musician with whom he worked recommending that he listen to her. Finally, his musician friend persuaded him to watch some of Smithson's YouTube videos.

"At the time, Family Guy was on, and I was a little annoyed," Moody says. "The last thing you want to do is interrupt me watching Family Guy."

Anybody who could make Moody glad he missed Family Guy had to have something going for her, and soon Smithson was writing and rehearsing with the other musicians. "We've got some amazing new material that has been building up inside of us for a long time," Moody says. "We're really stockpiling."

But don't expect an album from The Fallen anytime soon. Instead, look for a series of smaller, more frequent releases. "Our goal is to release songs in small doses every couple months for a year and a half," Moody says. "We could take the time and lock ourselves away for six months, but we don't want to do that. We want to get our there now. We want to play old stuff, and we want to play new stuff."

Smithson says: "This band, I've always loved their melodies. Everyone else was trying to push me in that pop direction, but I was trying to get that rock sound.

"The first time we started rehearsing, everybody started in on this jam session of Iron Maiden and all sorts of stuff. It was so cool! I was like, 'Oh my gosh, I'm in a band! I love this!' We were all, like, singing, and it was fun. I've wanted that for so long, where I could just be myself.'

The group already has been in the studio, recording material in addition to Bury Me Alive. "Ben's production is ridiculous. We just did strings the other night, and I couldn’t believe it was happening. It was, like, 'Pinch me.' We got this guy, and he did all sorts of creepy, awesome violin sounds. It all sounds like one big horror movie. It's really cool.

Ironically, Smithson sang Evanescence's Bring Me to Life on the American Idols tour.

'Oddly, enough -- and I didn't pick it," she says. "One of the musical directors [did].

"Yeah, it's very bizarre how this whole thing came about. Even Monique [Morrison, Moody's housemate] said that everything they were doing and everything I was doing, it was like we were on the same path but at different ends of the city. I was telling Monique about stage-show ideas that I wanted, like a massive, theatrical stage show -- you know, going back to the old-school, the way you used to go see a concert and it was amazing -- and Ben was pretty much putting the same thing in her other ear.

"I find it very bizarre that I sang that song on the tour, but it's all falling into place. Never at all, in my frickin' wildest dreams, did I think this would ever come about.”

Smithson said she had planned to assemble a band after she completed her own album. "We were going to put that together after my record was pretty much done, so we wouldn’t have anybody, creatively, that didn't mesh with me putting their two cents in," she says.

Though Smithson still has the highest praise for American Idol and the people who worked with her there, “I was steered away from being myself on the show," she says. "It definitely feels like I've come into this situation, and I can get influenced by the boys. It's like I can be myself again. It's really cool."

She adds that people who think they know her from what they say during her time on Idol really don't know her at all: "I don't think anybody knows anybody from that show. They don't know any of the people that were on it. We all say that all the time."

What will Smithson's fans see from her in The Fallen? "They'll just see me. It's going to be less colorful. I wore too many colors on that show. I looked like a Christmas cake half the time. It bothered me.

"I remember I wore black and the second show, and I was told, 'You're wearing a lot of black. You probably shouldn't wear any more black.' I was like, 'Okay.' Then everything the stylists would get would be colorful. And I'd never really worn colors in my life. My wardrobe is pretty much like one big funeral."

Smithson doesn’t see herself as replacing Evanescence singer Amy Lee. “Amy let the boys go," she says. "We just started a new band, called The Fallen. It's got really nothing to do with Evanescence." The Fallen initially may perform a few Evanescence songs live, she says, “but we’re pretty much focused on new music. You have an amazing writing team here, and amazing musicians.

"Our voices are completely different," she says of Lee. "This music is, obviously, the players from Evanescence, but Marty’s bringing a different flavor from what he does. I’m bringing a different flavor from what I do, and Ben has completely explored many different genres over the last few years. It’s not Evanescence anymore. It’s huge. It’s big, big, big songs that I can wail my ass off on, because that’s what I love to do."

(Photo by Douglas Sonders)


Carly Smithson、元Evanescenceの3人とThe Fallenを結成

 Carly Smithsonが、Evanescenceのオリジナルメンバー達と共に、ハードロックバンド、"The Fallen"の活動を開始した。
 正式発表はハリウッドにて、来週の月曜日、ライブパフォーマンスを交えてマスコミに対して行われる予定。また、デビュー曲の"Bury Me Alive"は、同時間にwearethefallen.comにてダウンロードができるようになる。

 メンバーのラインアップは、Smithson、そして、Evanescenceの元メンバーら3人である、ギタリストのBen MoodyとJohn LeCompt、ドラマーのRocky Gray、そしてベーシストは、DisturbedやKelly Clarksonとのレコーディングやツアーに参加していた、Marty O'brienが担当。




 「その時、Family Guyって番組を見てたから、少しメンドくさかったんだ。」Moodyは言う。「俺はFamily Guyを見てるところを邪魔されるのが一番嫌なんだ。」

 Moodyを喜ばせるには、Family Guyを見せればいいが、それに代わるものが彼女だった。Smithsonはすぐさま曲を書き、他のミュージシャン達とリハーサルを行った。「俺達は何か新しい、でも今までずっと長い間内に秘めていた素晴らしいものを作り出したんだ。」Moodyは語る。「本当にいろいろため込んでいたんだよ。」

 とはいっても、The Fallenのアルバムがすぐにでも出るわけではない。その代わり、小規模ではあるが、頻繁にリリースされることを期待してほしい。「俺達の目的は一年半ほどの期間をかけて、隔月で少しずつ曲をリリースしていくことだ。」Moodyは語る。「例えば半年間、自分たちの身を拘束して時間をかけることもできただろう、でもそれは俺達の望むことじゃない。今すぐ表舞台に出たいんだ。古い曲も新曲も披露したい。」



 バンドはすでにスタジオに入っており、新曲"Bury Me Alive"を含めてレコーディングを行っている。「Benのプロダクションはお笑いの連続よ。ある夜、私達はギターを弾いてたんだけど、あんなことがあったなんて信じられないわ。まるで、なんていうか、"寒気がした"の。あらゆる不気味な音を出したと思ったら、素晴らしいバイオリンの音がしたり。なんだか、ホラー映画のようだった。素晴らしかったわ。」

 皮肉にもSmithsonはEvanescenceの"Bring Me To Life"をアメリカンアイドルツアーにて披露している。







 SmithsonのファンはThe Fallenではどんな彼女が見られるのだろうか?「ただ私自身ってこと。カラフルさは少なくなると思う。ライブではとにかくカラフルすぎる服を着ていたわ。まるでクリスマスケーキみたいにね。嫌な気分だったわ。」


 Smithsonは自身をAmy Leeの代わりだとは思っていない。「Amyはメンバーを脱退させたわ。」彼女は語る、「私達はただ新しいバンドを始めただけよ、それがThe Fallenよ。Evanescenceとは関係ないわ。」 The Fallenは最初の内はEvanescenceの曲を数曲はライブで披露するかもしれない。が、彼女いわく、「でも私たちはみな新しい音楽を目指してる。素晴らしい作曲者とミュージシャン達を一緒だもの。」






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