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”What are you up to this weekend?"

”What did you do last weekend?"





Nice place your friend's got!
'Fried Green Tomatos'...Classic! Did you like it?
Speaking of Kathy Bates, I don't think she has outdone her performance in 'Misery'. She was brilliant in that movie and was scary as hell!
>Tamao san ( I'm alway tempted to say Tama chan. Can I call you Tama chan? Can I?)

'Scary as hell!' Very colloquial and accepted in varies books and magazines. May not be grammatically correct. On the cover of 'Exorcist'DVD, it said 'This movie is scary as hell'.

Yep, you got to watch 'Misery'! Do you read Stephen King? It's a masterpiece!

Oh, I hear 'sexy as hell' a lot too!
18: フェルメール さん、

Why don't you use "on foot" instead of "walk"?

24: Tamao-san

As you know, "hell" is used as an intensive such like "extraordinary."
26: Tamao-san

Yes and no. In "What the hell is going on here!!!", the 'hell' means a situation or a state (of something) which is really messy but they are used as intensive or emphasis of something in both cases.

19. shu-san
Do you love the movie as well,don't you? Lovely!
If somebody ask me to recommend a film about female's friendship, this one will come to the top of the list. lol
Thank you for the correcting. I've learned the way you mentioned when I was a student, but I mixed them up..(--;)

20. Tamao-san
Oh,what a stupid mistake I made! *shame* Thank you for correcting them.

21. Kanae san
Yes,I love it! Everytime I see, I burst out laughing and can't stop weeping.

25. Berg san
Sounds great! Very simple and easy to remember(for me..haha). Thank you so much!
So..."It took only 10 minutes on foot (is "by bicycle,car etc" also ok?) from the center of the city" ,is it right?
 久しぶりに盛り上がっていますね〜。^^) でも英語ばっかりで付いて来れない人も多いかも・・・。もう少し日本語を混ぜると他の皆さんにも読みやすいかもね。
でも、stupid mistakes ではヘンじゃないかと思ったんですが。。あと、correctで目的語が要らないのはどうしてでしょうか。よろしかったら、解説していただけませんか?

28: フェルメール さん、

> So..."It took only 10 minutes on foot (is "by bicycle,car etc" also ok?) from the center of the city" ,is it right?

・ It takes only 5 minites on foot from 〜
・ It's only a 5 minites walk from 〜


 ちなみに、「毎日駅まで歩いて行きます」と言う場合、「on foot」を使うよりは「I walk to the station every day.」のほうが普通です。「I go to the station every day on foot.」と言うと、(どちらかと言うと)「歩いて」が強調されます。

 ではここで問題。歩いては「on foot」、自転車・バス・車などの「乗り物」を使う場合は「by bicycle/bus/car, etc.」ですが、「泳いで」や「走って」は?



"I run to the station" や"I swim across the lake"ではなく、ということですね?
う〜む、誤答覚悟で"on the run", "under water"とか?
34: フェルメール さん、

> う〜む、誤答覚悟で"on the run", "under water"とか?

 答えは、「by running」と「by swimming」です。

 「〜の方法で」という意味では全て by を使います。そうすると、「何故、徒歩の場合は on なの?」という疑問が湧いて来ると思いますが、実は「on foot」のほうが例外的用法なのです(笑)。

 まず、on の空間認識を正しく勉強しましょう。On とは、ある物が別の物と表面で接触している状態を意味します。「仰向けに寝る」は「lay on one's back」(「lay back」でも良い)、「横向きに寝る」は「lay on one's side」のようになります。つまり、床に身体が「接触している」わけです。

 同様に、接触しているという意味では、壁に貼ったポスターは「on the wall」、天井に停まっているいるハエは「on the ceiling」の状態になります。

 ちなみに、「on foot」は、足の上に乗っている状態(足が地面に接触している状態)。つまり、立っている(通常は「歩く」という)状態を意味します。文法的には「by walking」となるべきところなのですが、実際には慣習的に「on foot」が使われます。

 学校での英語や英会話などでは、「on foot」と「by car/bike/bus」の2パターンしか教えてくれないと思いますが、何故そうなるのかを正しく説明してくれることは少ないので意外と応用が利かないと思います。「徒歩」が「on foot」なので、「走って」や「泳いで」にも特別な言い方があるのではないかと思ってしまいがちですが、実際は非常に単純です。


しゅう(秀) さん、この問題は生徒さんに出してみると面白いよ。


I love sports! Unfortunately I'm out of shape now.
Last week my boyfriend and I played tennis that was close to noon.
We enjoyed playing it first 30 minutes, however my body could not take it. It too hard to play hot outsaide, especially my out of shape body.
I felt I almost faint, so I had to give up to play.
Althouh we played catch after few hours.
I know I need exercise littel by little, not the same day.
Needless to say, I have sore muscles now.

Nice try! Your English isn't bad at all^^
Sounds like you had a big work out last weekend!

>Last week my boyfriend and I played tennis that was close to noon.

that was close to noon. これは、お昼少し前、と言いたいのですよね?でしたら、a bit before noon. around noon.の方が分かりやすいです。

>We enjoyed playing it first 30 minutes

firstを forに変える。

>It too hard to play hot outsaide, especially my out of shape body.

It was too hot to play outside, especially for me as I'm not relly fit.

>I felt I almost faint, so I had to give up to play

I felt like I was going to faint, so I had to give up playing.

> not the same day.

not all in one day.


>Tama chan ^^

It's just 5 minutes drive.

>We enjoyed playing it first 30 minutes
 "first"はそのままで良いと思うのだけど、どうでしょうか。「最初の30分は」ということで。"for"を入れるなら"for first 30 minutes"かな。

>It too hard to play hot outsaide, especially my out of shape body.
→It was too hard to keep playing that hot outside, especially for my out of shaped body.

 "too hard to play" "too hot to play"どちらも結果的に「プレイはしなかった」ことになります。「プレイするにはキツすぎた(暑すぎた)」=「キツすぎて(暑すぎて)プレイできなかった」ということです。
 "too hard/hot to keep playing"にすれば「プレイを続けられなかった」になります。

 "out of shape"と"body"を繋げるには"shape"→"shaped"と過去分詞形にすると良いです。これは色んな時に使えます。普段主に名詞として使われている単語を勝手に動詞化して過去分詞形にして形容詞として使ったりします。
He doesn't care of "his out of dated fashion." (His fashion is "out of date.")


>It's just 5 minutes driving.
→ 5 minutes' drive /a 5-munite drive
>It was 10 hours flight.
→ 10 hours' flight /a 10-hour flight

It takes five minutes to drive.「車で5分かかる」
It's a five-minute drive.「車で5分の距離だ」

 という違い。("five minutes' drive"より"a five-minute drive"の形の方がよく見ます)

 Bergさん、"by" "on"の使い分け面白そうですね。今度授業でやってみます。

>We enjoyed playing it first 30 minutes
 "first"はそのままで良いと思うのだけど、どうでしょうか。「最初の30分は」ということで。"for"を入れるなら"for first 30 minutes"かな。


Out of shaped bodyについては、注釈を付けるのを忘れてました。ごめんなさい。えっと、Out of 〜をすでに前の文で使っているので、繰り返しを避けたかった、それだけです^^

38: たまを♂ さん、

 しゅう(秀)さんが説明してくれたように、文が指しているポイントが異なるだけで、普通に使われます。尚、名詞化しているので「a five-minutes walk」のように 'a' が入ります。

> We enjoyed playing it first 30 minutes

 文章としては「30分以上継続してテニスをしたけど、最初の30分しか楽しめなかった(へばった)」というのなら for が付いていたほうが適当ですが、口語だと省略される場合も珍しくはありません。普通は「We enjoyed (playing) it for the first 30 minutes.」になります。

 Firstが付いていると、30分以上のうちの最初の30分ということが判りますが、firstを付けないと30分で切り上げたことになります。「the first」にすると、運動時間や試合時間が30分毎に区切られている感じも受けますが、受け止め方は前後の文章によりますね。



I had a pretty low key weekend.
I basically stayed home with my family and did bits and pieces... like a bit of gardening, a bit of spring cleaning and playing with my kiddies...
The most exciting thing that happened on the weekend was my very snobby cat came to me and sat on my lap for the first time in his whole life!! He stayed there for a good 1 hour...

↑How pathetic does my weekend sound!

Now, I KNOW Shu san did something really exciting last weekend, so , DO tell us!!
Wow,lovely! And for an hour? what a rare time you had!! My cat has never sat on my lap yet...haha(^^
Yes, it was really nice. He curled up on my lap and slept for an hour. He looked so comfortable and pieceful... Ohhh, I hope he'll do it again!!
I thought your cat is quite friendly... hummm... he'll come around one day!
How was your weekend by the way?
had a nice one?
As for my cat, she's too long to sit comfortably on my lap. lol
Instead, she usually curls up on a massage chair, under my chabu-dai and on the very center of my futon...haha

My weekend, hmm.
One of my mixi friends held her welcome back party last Friday and she asked me to come. I have been friends with her bf, but she and I only chatted via internet because she had been abroad for these 6months. I was looking forward to seeing her.
She was very sweet and paid close attention to her guests. We talked, ate, and drinked with her bf's singing songs. I enjoyed it, and almost missed the last bus..lol
The following weekend was a quiet one.
My weekend was so sad.
My boy friend's grandmam who lived with us passed away.
She got pneumonia and heart attack. She went to ER and got to CCU at friday night.
Next morning she was OK, however Sunday early in the morning around 5 we gat a call from ER.
She died past 7.
I was so shockked. Still I can not believe this.
She was so nice to me. I never forget her smile. Thank you and please rest.

ここで質問です。私は彼にお悔やみの言葉を言いたかったのですが、ただ”I'm sorry.”としかいえませんでした。
I'm so sorry for your loss...
How are you feeling? I hope you're feeling a little bit better now...
At times like these, I don't think there's any word you can give to your boy friend. Just stay with him and share your saddness and give him hugs. Hold his hand and tell him you are there for him...
I hope you are gonna get through this tough time and talk about the good times you had with your boyfriend's grandma with him sometime.
Hey, you have a massage chair?? Nice!

Some night you had!
Was your friend a good singer? Did you sing too?

>and drinked with her bf's singing songs.

I'm very sorry to hear that...
May his grandmather rest in peace...,and I hope both of you will recover from the loss and talk about her sometime.


...and drinked while her bf's performance.

He's a briliant singer.He sings at the bar every Friday, just as Billy Joel's song "the Piano man". (Though he's a guitarist, not a pianist...hehe)
Ohhhh, I love Billy Joel^^

and drinked with her bf's singing songs.

...and drank while her bf was singing songs.
Oh, you love him,too! Fantastic! What's your favorite?

課題、while じゃなくて during her bf's performance だったらよかったのでしょうか。でも、それだとゴテゴテするかな?

Thank you for your heart warming comments. We are OK.
The funeral will be this weekend. I'm not sure, because some relative are not here yet.
Anyway I hope the funeral is over quietly.
I'm glad to hear that you're doing OK...
I hope everything will go smoothely at the funeral and nothing will cause you any more heartache.

I like 'she's alway a woman' and 'the longest time'^^
How about you?

Q: Where did you go last Saturday?
Shu: I went to Kamisuwa after working.

Q: What did you do there?
Shu: I met a friend of mine from Tokyo at the train station, and then we went drinking sake!:-) There was a local event called "Kamisuwa-kaido NOMIARUKI". There we were allowed to drink as much sake as we want, paying only \2,000! That was fantastic! I loved it.

After drinking more than 20 cups of those colden liquid, I got totally drunk. But I was so happy.
Great drinking- fest you went, Shu san!
All- you- can- drink for only 2000yen? Bargain!

after working...は、 after work もしくはafter working at 〜(場所)にした方がいいかな、と。
colden liquid・・・ sounds a bit funny... そう思うのは私だけでしょうか? Not sure...

Did you wake up with a killer headache next morning?;)
 あ、間違えた。。"colden liquid"→"golden liquid" のつもりで書きました。

 〜 after working.
 なんか足らんかなー?と思いつつ・・・やっぱ足らんのね(笑)。実はこの話、塾で英作文の授業のネタにしたんだけど、そこでは"〜 after working here, at [塾の名前]"としたので大丈夫だと思います。




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