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じゃーーん。新トピですよう。。。exclamation ×2


自分が知ってるものすごく難しい単語を連ねて行きましょう。exclamation ×2

たとえば,りんご apple で始めますと,

pot か letter か English という具合です。



もし,だれも乗らないで,独り相撲になったら… どうしますか?



Yesterday, it was cloudy. Today, it's cloudy. I could not see the moon for four days.
Summer〜 I hear chirps of so many cicadas every morning!
Good ! But they are living only for seven days on the earth. For chirping.For their marriage.
End writing at this corner had been long time ago. It's before last month.
Hey, Hakuba-san and Kamo-chan〜
Sorry I haven't written in for such a long time.
It's been so hot and I've really been exhausted!

I hope it'll get cooler and cooler day by day.
Yoo-Hoo! Chon san. I'm very grad to see you at this place.You are over work in this too hot summer.Autumn has come. You'll be full of bitterly, and I hope so.
Oh sorry,Hakuba-san and Chon-san.
I had not come this topic for a long time.
I'm very happy to see you here,too.

Today is Sunday.
however -- It is a rainy day today.
I don't go out anywhere. Ha-Ha!わーい(嬉しい顔)
Do you like autumn?
I like this season,

English is very difficult for me (/_;)/~~
English conversation, I can't anything at all about it.
But there are the net dictionary in this place.too fully time. And nobody scold. Ha Ha Haわーい(嬉しい顔) 手(チョキ)
Go! Go! Let's Go!
Ohハート達(複数ハート) Kurenai no Buutaro-sanexclamation
Welcome to this topicわーい(嬉しい顔)
I also think English is very difficult.
Therefore, I think that my English is wrong.He-He(^◇^;)
Helsinki is the capital and the largest city in Finland. It faces the Baltic Sea.
Ah! Mr. Tom. I'm grad to see you.
I hope to be happy for your travel.
Late at night I wonder how many of you are still awake.
The moon looks so beautiful up in the night sky.
Year! Yah! My class mate, Dear chon san. The Moon is bright on circle, but she was like a football before several times. I wonder!
The weather is nice today .
I have to clean my room.
Moon Oh! She is nowhere at the just now! It's cloud, Oh No!
Once upon a time Everybody, this topic's member, was young.
I was also young.
Would I like to return at the time?


I would like to live today hard.
Do my best. 走る人ダッシュ(走り出す様)ダッシュ(走り出す様)
That's true. Do my best, now. Because I don't do so it, usually.
Therefore I say several time to myself「Do your best!」冷や汗Ah〜〜〜! パンチ

Let's try to make our best effort to everything.

Nothing will stay as it is today... but〜
Today it's cloudy. It's sure to come typhoon after several days around nearby.
And just the Fall!
Everything and Everytime it's changing.
Graceful and sweet , the air of today, It's smell of fragrance olive. It's my best taste in smell.
ムードLove Is The Mistery ムード

This is the Lyrics of the "North Wing(Kita Wing)" of Ms. Akina Nakamori.
I often sing this song at a karaoke.わーい(嬉しい顔)
Early time of my life, before seven year, I never sing a song. But now, I'm singing softly to myself everywhere and everytime. And I can't sing among peoples. I'm a shy.
You might be a shy person, but you're loved by so many people
because of your attractive personality, Hakuba-san〜
Shy ?
Really ?(^.^)

I think he is very smart and thoughtful.
And chon san is very smart and thoughtful too

I think both of you are attractive man.(*^^*)
Now! I hope so to be that's man.
But I think a few man as like normal man, Today. Perhaps!
Someone like you...I was looking for someone similar to you.
No one can be you.
But many flowers became instead of you.
Therefore, I am very happy now.
Yesterday and before day, I was at Mooka and Kiryu. I feel warm Today.But a menber of singing class said It's cold now.
Entry for this Topic, Welcome back!
I'm very grad to see you! 指でOK
Not a day has ever passed without my looking up at night sky....
Even though it's gloomy and gray sky.

You,,,, what had happen on your life, have'nt you ? 耳指でOK
Up just time sky, Look! Look!
The moon is shining brightly and wetly. She is beautiful.



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