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感情の摩天楼 〜 Cosmic Mind./ Unlimited Colors.

musics. Unlimited Colors.
Original. 感情の摩天楼 〜 Cosmic Mind.
Source. 東方星蓮船 〜 Undefined Fantastic Object.
Stage 6 Boss Theme; Byakuren Hijiri.

Album. Mindless Act.
Album by EastNewSound.
Reitaisai 10 May 26, 2013.
Arrangement. KOBATYU.
Lyrics. 海兎.
Vocals. Cryu.


見つけた真実 私だけの色
今溢れ出して 澄み渡る空へ

「The truth I discovered was a colour, one for me alone.
It now flows forth, heading toward the clear sky.」

声を聴いて 届かなくていい

「Listen to my voice, even if it doesn’t reach you-
I’m sure that it will light up the road for someone…」

散りばめた願いの事 触れては消えてく
時を越え 色を変え また巡り合う
生まれ来る魂に 光が満ちれば 夢を導く

「I touch those inlaid wishes, and they begin to vanish.
Crossing over time and changing their colours, I meet them once more.
When their souls, coming to life, are filled with light, I will guide their dreams.」

愛すべき人達に 今出来る事を
色付いて 目覚めてく 私の全て
鮮やかに花開く 夢々誘い  永遠(とわ)に導く

「Now, I do what I can for those whom I love.
Everything within me changes colour and awakens.
The flowers vividly open. I will guide them in their dreams, for eternity.」

心の中に 色を灯す
澄み渡る空 手を伸ばした

「Lighting up colours inside my heart,
I stretched a hand toward the sky.」

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