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The Mummy

I saw the movie, "The Mummy", a 2017 American action-adventure film directed by Alex Kurtzman and written by David Koepp, Christopher McQuarrie.
Starring Tom Cruise, Annabelle Wallis, Sofia Boutella,
Jake Johnson, Courtney B. Vance, Marwan Kenzari, Russell Crowe.
Box office was $410 million.
It's A reboot of The Mummy franchise, "The Mummy" a 1932
American horror film produced being imspired by the true story.
"Back in 1922, the British Egyptologist Howard Carter found the tumb of the Pharaou Tutankhamen."

I love those mysterios stories of Egypt, it's art, pyramids and mummy.

The story is---
In ancient Egypt, Princess Ahmanet attempted to summon the evil deity Set to rule the country.
She killed her father and his son.
Then she was caught and mummified alive on a charge of the murder.

In Iraq, U.S. Army soldiers Sergeant Nick Morton and Corporal Chris Vail discover the tomb of Princess Ahmanet.
They and archaeologist Jenny Halsey fly Ahmanet's sarcophagus to Britain, unknowingly bringing Ahmanet back to life.
And you know what?
Ahmanet chooses Nick as a vessel for Set.

Then many crows attack the plane and all crews are dead
except Jenny.
Nick returns to life in a morgue and Ahmanet's mummy escapes from the sarcophagus.
Her body has decomposed so she begins feeding on people to regenerate her body, turning them into zombies.
But soldiers appear and capture her.
The soldiers’ leader is Dr. Henry Jekyll!
Is he the one from the famous story,"The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"?
I thought so.
Because when Nick takes away his medicine from Dr. Jekyll
Mr. Hyde appears and runs amuck!
Jekyll intends to allow Set to possess Nick completely, believing that this will render Set vulnerable.

It's pretty complicated.
I guess some people love those kinds of fantasy---- mysterious and a little scary stories and some don't.
It sure is scary and some scenes are creepy, but in a sense this kind of stories are very artistic and beautiful.

And I think the theme of this is Man's good and evil.
We, all human have both of them---good and evil.
Nick fights his own evil, fighting monsters and loving Jenny.
And finally----
you will see watching the film.

This one got a big hit but not so high praise among Tom Cruise movies.
I love this anyway.

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