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FB 渡辺裕氏情報(5Gの危険性)



産業〈企業?〉の代表者が希望的に語るのは次のようなものである。5Gを通して世界中で高速インターネットや数十億円の利益、 経済の発展、向上する通信のユートピアである。技術的な要請を優先して、民主主義を押さえ込み、反対意見を潰し、天気予報の能力を低下させてでも、世界が5G技術を評価する時間を与えずに、急いで導入する義務がある。メディアの懸念を嘲笑し、ロビイストはアメリカで5G設備の導入を拒否できないよう、十分な資金提供を受けており、圧力をかけて法律を可決させている。また、欧州ではいくつかの自治体が5Gの導入の一時的に停止の議決をしたにもかかわらずその導入が進んでいる。





1. 今までの通信技術よりも高い周波数帯の電磁波(ミリ波)が5Gに割り当てられている。エネルギー量がより多く、データをより大量で発信できるが、ミリ波の影響は皮膚表面に集中し、皮膚がんや目の損傷に関する懸念を高めている。

2. 5Gアンテナに新しく導入されるフェーズドアレー技術(複数のアンテナ素子の角度やタイミングを調整し、電波を集中させる技術)は、軍事レーダーや通信において、5Gより低い周波数で利用されている。それは、集中いたコヒーレントなビームを形成し、それなしでは5G周波数の電磁波は壁を貫いて屋内や車内の機器や、自動運転、モノのインターネット(IoT)と接続することができないので、それを可能にするために必要。本質的に、4Gが懐中電灯なら、5Gはレーザーだ。5Gが今までに導入された地域では、鳥の集団死や、胸痛等の過酷な症状に苦しむ人々がいると報告されている。

3. アンテナを近距離で多数設置すること。これはIoTを効果的にするために必要だ。ミリ波に近距離で被曝するのは避けられない。すでに電磁波がどんな影響を自分の健康があるか意識している人は命の不安を感じる。

4. 電磁場が強くなる。企業は、現在の電磁場強度の規制に反対する活動を行ってきた。厳しい規制は、IoTと自動運転を防げると考えてからだ。一方、健康への影響を懸念する大勢の科学者たちは、非熱効果は十分に立証されており、今の規制は人々を守れないほど緩い、と主張している。被曝レベルが高ければ高いほど、健康の影響が増え、その影響は過酷になる。



電離層は大気の上層、約80キロ上空から始まる。常に平均30万ボルトに荷電され、地球の電気回路にエネルギーを与えて、針灸作用に役割を果たす経絡を循環しながら、健康に必須な電磁ポテンシャルを与える。5Gの衛星は、地球全体を常に不本位な「汚れた電気(dirty electricity)」に被曝させる(Milham, Samuel (2010) Dirty Electricityを参考)。まるで、全地球がシックハウスのようになる。

イリジウム・コーポレーション社の66機の人工衛星は、5Gで計画しているスペースX の衛星の1000分の一程度の弱い出力だ。それにもかかわらず、1998年に携帯電話サービスが始まると、世界中の人々から、目まいや吐き気、不眠症、鼻血、動悸、喘息、耳鳴り、刺すような痛み、激しい胸痛などが報告された。




もし「国際アピール:地上と宇宙で5G(第5世代移動通信システム)の停止を」にまだ署名していないなら、次のホームページでサインできる:https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal アピールの日本語版は同ページの左側にリンクがある。

 日本では、いのち環境ネットワーク(https://www.ehs-mcs-jp.com/)1月16日に札幌市で勉強会を行い、5G規制条例の制定を目指して署名運動も行う。1月24日(金)に東京で「国際アピール:地上と宇宙で5G(第5世代移動通信システム)の停止を」を政府に提出するメディアイベントを計画している。参加したい方は下記へ連絡を。 info@ehs-mcs-jp.com


Stop 5G on Land and in Space

Industrial representatives promise us a utopia of high-speed internet, billions of dollars in profits, a revitalized economy and enhanced communications worldwide through 5G. The technological imperative is so important, they say, that we must shut down democracy, stifle dissent, even impair weather prediction, to deploy 5G before the world has a chance to assess it. Concerns are mocked in the mainstream media. The US has passed legislation under the pressure of well-funded lobbyists to prevent opt-out, and in Europe, deployment goes ahead despite moratoriums.

What are the risks of 5G technology?
5G poses severe threats to human and environmental health. In addition, there are concerns over privacy and a major corporate power grab. When asked by US Sen. Blumenthal about 5G testing, officials of the agencies responsible for ensuring cellphone safety in the US, admitted that no safety testing at all had been done. In fact, they were lying. Considerable research points to increased risks of cancer, genetic damage, reproductive issues, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and other disorders.

Why is this important?
Our health has been devastated by cell phones from the beginning, but because of heavy media suppression, most people still do not know their cell phone use may be causing anxiety, depression, cancer, diabetes, heart attacks, strokes, autism or other modern “lifestyle” diseases. Carcinogenicity is officially acknowledged, however, and now the citizens of many communities, even countries have called for moratoriums on the deployment of 5G. The following four new aspects of 5G radiation are of special concern.

The higher frequencies allocated to 5G carry more energy to transmit greater volumes of data. Due to the shorter wavelengths, the effects are more concentrated in the surface layers, giving rise to concerns about skin cancer and eye damage in particular.
The phased-array technology to be used in 5G antennas and 5G-enabled devices has seen military application in radar and communications at lower frequencies than 5G. It forms concentrated, coherent beams, without which radiation at 5G frequencies could not penetrate walls to connect with devices in homes or cars for the Internet of Things (IoT) and automated driving. In essence, 5G is to 4G what a laser is to a flashlight. Where 5G has been switched on, there have been reports of birds dying en masse and people afflicted with severe symptoms.
The dense spacing of antennas required for effectiveness. Close range exposure will be impossible to avoid, and people aware of how 3G and 4G radiation affects their health fear for their lives.
Increased EMF strengths—companies have started lobbying to raise current limits that might hinder IoT and automated driving. Those limits were designed only to protect against heating, and not against well-documented non-thermal effects. The higher the exposure levels, the more numerous and severe the effects will be.

Space-based 5G is the gravest threat
Even as birds and insects disappear from the environment as proliferation of radiofrequency radiation sources advances, and despite considerable scientific evidence of negative impacts of radiofrequency radiation on birds and insects, most people remain unaware that the biggest threat is the radiation from tens of thousands of satellites set to blanket the entire Earth. Researcher Arthur Firstenberg says, ”the greatest damage the satellites will do, which could end life on Earth when they go into service next year, comes from their location in the ionosphere.” The ionosphere, starting about 50 miles overhead, is charged to an average of 300,000 volts at all times and powers the global electrical circuit. It provides the electromagnetic potential needed for healthy life, circulating through our meridians. The 5G satellites will expose the entire globe constantly and inescapably to dirty electricity (see Samuel Milham’s Dirty Electricity), just like a “sick building.”

When the Iridium Corporation’s 66 satellites, each with a thousand times less power than one Space X satellite, began providing cell phone service in 1998, people worldwide reported dizziness, nausea, insomnia, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, asthma, tinnitus, stabbing headaches and severe chest pains. Birds were also reportedly affected. Thousands of homing pigeons lost their way, for example. The death rate in the US rose by 4-5 percent immediately and for the next two weeks. That was just 66 satellites. What will tens of thousands of much more powerful ones do? It is a global experiment on all living things, violating the human right against non-consensual medical experimentation.


A 5G Global Protest Day is being planned for Saturday, January 25, 2020. In the days leading up to the global event, beginning January 12, various activities are being planned in many nations to raise public awareness of 5G and attract media attention. For example, there are proposals to read the International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space in the United Nations, in public with the media present, and to hold an International 5G Moratorium Conference in Brussels. Since March 31, 2019, Brussels has stood up for the people and the Earth and refused 5G. If you have not signed the International Appeal yet and would like to, you may do so here:

https://www.5gspaceappeal.org/the-appeal A link to the Japanese translation can be found on the left side of that page.

In Japan, the Life-Environment Network https://www.ehs-mcs-jp.com/ is planning a study meeting and signature drive for legislation to restrict 5G on January 16 in Sapporo. In Tokyo on Friday, January 24, we are planning a media event to present the International Appeal to Diet officials. If you would like to participate in either, please contact us at: info@ehs-mcs-jp.com

Coincidentally, the Consumers Union of Japan will be holding a lecture meeting in Tokyo on January 25, titled “Rapidly Increasing EMF Exposures from 5G.” See


(in Japanese).

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