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A photography evaluation

I happened to meet with the same opinion about photography in a Website.
The ratio photo evaluation is like that, object 70%, device 10%, sense & technique of the photographer 10% and luck 10%.
As for my opinion, the energy of object 90% and luck 10%.
The device at that would be anything, silver salt film with lens or sophisticated DSL camera will do.
The object with huge energy will come into or on the surface of image, no matter how poor it might be. Even subject blur and camera shake might be acceptable if the picture has enough energy to be appealed.
Suppose that, historical photography taken by Robert Capa in Normandy landing operation with intentional camera shake has enough energy to appeal the scenery of life or death.
Pictures of volcano, Rocket launching scenery and war attack has some different appealing big energy.
Also, I'm interested in so to speak "Decisive Moment" by Henri Cartier-Bresson.
Probably, this is why "Battle field cameraman" exists.
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