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Current situation

Long time for a month, September neglected I describe my blog here, because I considered about my publish in my professional field. Deeper thinking by myself led me not to go forward as a matter of fact. Denying the long lasting conventional theory means causing some sensation leading to involving many people who has something to do our profession into a big voltex?
Probably, the title would disappear in creating a national exam questions, though some period of time for several years would be required till common understanding among the professional field should be obtained. Then what will be changed? Big change would be regarded as a tiny story. So, I'm reclining to a direction, not to do that.

Aside a hard story, wanna I show my favorite modified old lens here.
Initial stage Elnst Leitz Elmar 50mm/3.5 Triplet is put on Canon EOS DSLR body. Infinity position is acquired and magnification to 1/2 close up is available. Of course, focusing and iris are set by manually.
The number of constructive lenses should be minimum to control 5 abrasions and reflectable lens surfaces should be the least.
Though recent sophisticated designed with computer calculation have superb performances with numbers of lenses including aspherical designs and high brightness, low dispersion, I don't accept them. However better abrasion correction might be done with complected design increasing the number of lenses inside, the light source arrived on the image sensor must be changed into some different one loosing an original energy of the object.
The less number of the constructive lens, the more powerful energy on the picture reflected, this is my concluded opinion.
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