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Typhoon #24 is coming tonight

Following #21, Typhoon #25 is coming across with the main land Japan, how come!
I had a half dying experience when #21 came to Osaka area the other day, so I never go outside this time staying at home. All the plantain flowers at our working place had been isolated already inside.
Probably we would have hard time around 6 o'clock in the evening today, the center of the Typhoon should pass on our head at that time.
We realize that our capability to control Natural Phenomenon on the Earth is still now far behind, we look like a small and miserable insect running around on a huge lock under the change of weather, don't you think?
I'm aged and tired of leading my life a bit, but I hope fulfill my own longevity without being damaged unexpectedly, though I don't wand to prolong myself unnecessarily.

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