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After Typhoon #12

As situated my house is nearby OSAKA Itami Airport, landing Jet air crafts pass so often on mine, it is unusual condition, probably Typhoon #12 must have distorted the wind direction now.
Basically, I don't prefer the jet turbine high frequency noise to reciprocal engine's one. Jet noise repeating periodically just above my head makes me nervous a bit.

I must have caught cold these days because I often cough with emptying of sputum, I might have bronchitis, but no fever. I took some antibiotics since the day before yesterday.
Bad body condition like now decreases my work efficiency at all.

My writing work proceeds so gradually, but moving forward.
Q & A style description clarifies the meaning, it is hard to evoke my old memories piled in deep inside. Several new finding were recommended on the way those had not been recognized, change of standing point of view might be the reason.
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