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Commercial Drone & New runway

I happen to come across with the scenery, the commercial drone flying controlled by a professional nearby my neighborhood. Flat ground was scaled by the sophisticated method once relatively old apartment building was there now flat ground by destruction for about 3 weeks. The machinery he brought was constructed with 6 of 600 KV brush less motors and 6 cells promptly. The camera is fully controlled by the stepping motors 3 dimensionally, Gyro and GPS, the flight was very stable figure under 2 to 3 mm wind blowing. The pilot was historically trained person. An accident happened immediately after taking off, a cicadas was involved into one of the rotor and it was cut by the rotating blade in pieces in a moment, actually, the noise of rotating blades changed after the affair, became noisy with some saturating noise. But, the work was continued without countermeasure, nothing special was happened except some unusual blade rotating noise. Blade crack in one of them or the discrepancy in pitch controlling mechanical construction. Fundamentally, their professional and commercial field is different from our model airplane. I studied much this morning about the state of the art in the commercial drone technology.

Last night some officer of Kansai Model club Association called me up, asking me to participate in the meeting for the improvement of the runway in a new place at Fukuchiyama City situating along with Yura river. As my way is never to say no if I'm asked, I agreed with his proposal immediately. Most of the runways in Kansai area are inhibited because of danger. Once an argument with the neighborhood residence might happen, the Authority inhibits to use the river bed as a model airplane runway. The opinion by the residence is the first. So, we must bear in our mind that no argument or struggling must not be happened with neighborhood in future, otherwise the historically miserable result is waiting as before. I myself do not want to fly my model airplane with eager because I have an experience to have flown everyday for several years, I have done it too much and enough.
I just want to contribute myself to prepare some flying place for the others in the same hobby field. My happiness is consisted in contributing to the group.
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