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Pencil battery leakage

Early this morning my son started for Motorcycle touring asking me to open the battery box cover of an air conditioner controller in the garage. Basically, he has a tendency to ask to others in spite of his capability to do anything.
Pencil battery inside had an usual problem as leakage of Alkaline solution leading to terminal lusting. All of them were cleaned with flowing water after fully disassembling procedure.
Care must be taken to set some pencil Alkaline battery in the device except made by Panasonic, periodical checking and replacement are required, otherwise important controller would be destroyed by leaked Alkaline solvent.
Matsushita battery company that is one of a subsidiary has the patented special technology in avoiding solvent leakage.
As for my surprise, all the controlling circuitry were packed in a small IC tip and one piece of Electrolytic capacitor was observed, probably the application of this ancient electric part must be done to play a part of a destructive bomb after some years use.
Advance in Electronic technology frightened me this morning again.
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