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YOSHIOKA Flash Pro 45 started

YOSHIOKA Flash Pro 45 started yesterday. The basic constructive designing resembles a former build Pegasus Acro for both wings and fuselage. The principle to fabricate these model airplane is the same, paying desperate efforts not to distort or to twist especially the main wing in any direction, of course the accuracy of fuselage is the same. Poorly destructed model airplane could be flown by adjusting the trimming the moving wings, but difficult to be controlled following to the pilot's desire. Both good designing and good fabrication could contribute to the better bare characteristics of the model airplane. However better improvements might be done on the controlling Radio and Servos with precise and sophisticated mixing technology, the principle of Science in Aerodynamics does not change, once obtained bad habit innately by ill-fabrication never disappears. So, it is said here, "The more precisely accurate fabrication, the more candid flight could be supplied to the pilot.".

As for my future construction, next one would be also YOSHIOKA Sunday Alpha 50 and follows my destination, YOSHIOKA Bingo F3A, both of them are prepared and waiting for my determination. An effort to be exerted in my Hobby World is somewhat far harder work than my previous occupation.
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