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これ記録のため。2日前に12回のPTが無事終了。最後にできれば「My PT Success Story」を書いて、とセラピストから頼まれ、本当によくしてもらったので、以下を書いて送ったところです。本当にPT恐るべし。侮れません。これからちゃんと毎日続けなくちゃ!ですね。

 Due to a damage on meniscus, my leg felt heavy and dull especially when I was sleeping, and I used to wake up several times at night. It also made it difficult for me to go up and down the stairs and even to sit up straight. I was very disappointed because I could not practice tea ceremony that requires me to sit on my knees for a long time.

 I almost gave up continuing tea ceremony in which I put so much effort for the last 10 years, When I started PT, my goal was to sit on my knees for half an hour. After I learned many stretch and muscle exercises, I have become able to kneel for 30 minutes! I really appreciate your big help in achieving my goal. Thank you very much.

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