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Golden Age Meeting report

Because of the reason as shown in the picture, PILOT Fighter could not take off at the moment of competition. Incredible critically destructive phenomena happened on the elevator servo. Anyway, Fighter could escape from being destroyed by falling down, it is a profitable luckiest result in the disaster.
Some chemical smell and smoke were observed while checking in the working room after coming home. Any circuitry shorting must be happening in the servo controlling amplifier. Now is the time to resign to use any third party servo however cheaper they might be. I cannot pretend not to see the miserable results considering the cheep prices, it's no meaning to use an unreliable devices if I count out my own time and effort, above all, it's very dangerous to fly uncontrollable model airplane among the watching people.
The smaller and the cheaper devices, the less reliable for a model airplane in the air.
The score of meeting yesterday and the day before yesterday was 6th grade in 12 applicants. I think it was not good but not so bad, because the competitive airplanes were all for stunt designed low wing ones except mine. In another words, PILOT Ace B is high wing trainer model, even with this unsuitable trainer airplane could obtain middle class achievement as a matter of fact.
Ace B played a part of inconvenient Fighter well.
I'm going to participate in the competitions in future even in the tournament held in a bit far away.
As my big surprise, I could meet with an old friend since 55 years ago, I was a elementary school boy and he was a Japanese Self Defense Personnel at that time, of course he is a retired veteran now.
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