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TOYOTA AZT241W & VW 1302 Super Beetle 11AD

Transfer registration procedure and Legal Inspection test were safely finished this morning for my new comer TOYOTA Caldina AZT241W. But, here 2 problems have happened, front left side vehicle width lamp did not turned on but as for surprises for me and the inspector, it turned on when the bonnet was closed with the vibration after the engine room inspections.
In addition, declaration date, it's too early to obtain full 2 years interval, if I declare today, I would lose about one month compared with the original vehicle inspection certificate. I must declare between the date the second next month and the 10th coming February. The suggestion was made by the staff at Naniwa Land Transport Office with kindness. So, I made up mind to postpone till the 4th next month.
Because it's only processing on documents, Caldina itself is not always required to be driven there at that time, any way would do. Any way, it always the case that the Authorities determinations are complicated and inconvenient for citizens so much. I enjoyed myself this morning with these inspection tests procedures, this kind of opportunity gives me some energy to live, because I am too old to dream.

As for my miserable air-cooled VW 1302 Super Beetle that had fallen into very bad destiny being towed 1300 kg Caldina, there exists unavoidable problem, almost clutch slipping phenomena. It was caused by nothing but by my fault. Just determined I to replace some relative parts with the clutch disk plate, release bearing, pressure plate, motor clank shaft oil seal, oil sealing O shape rubber ring and oil cooler sealing rubber bushes. All the replacement parts should be genuine ones. The quicker the better. Anxiety about this kind of problem invites unpleasant mental stress if I leave it undone.
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