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I got RS's latest album-It's a single though-"miruku Ugafu- Underclloed".
It's a charity album.
This tune-"Undercooled"- was originally released in 2004 and is included
in his album "/04" in 2004.
RS said that he made this tune thinking about terorism on 9/11 2009- "
he thought "We should be calm down".
In 2004, RS composed "Undercooled" and MC sniper-Corean rapper added
his rap for it.
I didn't understand what MC Sniper was saying in his rap---words at that time, but later, I read the translation.
I don't remember well, but I think it was full of hate against the war or violence and I didn't find any hope and salvation in it.
I thought his feeling was understandable, but I didn't like so much the way
like that.
And this time, I heard a new version is releasing and I read an explanation
about that.
It said, RS is releasing a single new CD, it's a charity and a collaboration with a-four women vocal group "Unaigumi".
It costs one thousand yen without tax--about ten dollar.
All profit from this CD is contributed to the Henoko fund.
I don't know well about the issue of Henoko, but it's about the issue of
base in Okinawa.
I heard many people in Okinawa don't agree with building a new base.

Unaigumi made a poem with Okinawa language for this tune and they asked RS that they wanted to sing this, and they started to record it last
And they stopped it for about one year because of RS's desease, and this
summer at last they finished.

This title "Mirukuyugafu" means peaceful, afluent world brought by the God
--Miroku Bosatu which is next Buddha--Messiah or saviour.
Miruku means Miroku Bosatu and Yugafu means the peaceful world in Okinwa language.
So RS and Unaigumi made this hoping peaceful, rich world witout war or
I love it's concept, so I decided making a poem with this concept.

To make the poem, I listened to RS's solo piano play in his concert video in
2004 again and again.
And I remembered when I was a child, near the sea to my house was so beatiful and I've swum everyday like a fish in the summer.
But several years later, the area became forbidden to swim because of pollution.
And I remembered that I saw a polar mother bear and her children continued walking to look for their new land in a DVD---of course it's because global warming, they lost their land to live.
I got feel sad as I thought about those things and asked myself "Is there anything to help for this situation? The earth is the only planet that can have and raise living things.
But something has been changing."
Next moment, I hit on "More trees" RS has presided.
"Oh, there's More trees".
RS started this in 2007 and it helps dying forest revive by taking care of.
It has now 11 forest in Japan and one in Philippine.
If one forest become good condition it makes good soil or the sea surrounded it----I think I heard so.
And trees absorb carbon dioxide----it leads to solution global warming issue.
RS says the forest is source of all of life.
I was so glad to find one salvation here for our earth----It may not be so big
solution tool, but I think only each small continual efforts can make big

So I made a poem with that idea.
I found by thinking about this, The world miroku makes---peaceful, ideal
world is the world we make---human make.
our hands----each tiny hands make wonderful world one by one.
It might takes a long time. but we have to do it.

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