HP of Kansai-area is offered to public. Check it out.
はじめてきた方へが完成しました!!より見やすく、よりわかりやすく現在の情報がまとまっています。初めてでない方でも、時間がない方は特にここを見ればほぼ全てが網羅されてます。今すぐCheck it out!!
A topic "To visiters for the first time" is now finished to edit. It's written all in japanese, sorry for that, but infos are all to let ex-NCB students know all procedure to enroll substitute English-school which are provided us almost for free.(We mostly need to pay for textbook. But conditions are differ from school to school.) Anyway I'm confident that you can find what you want much sooner than ever!! I think it's also available for those that has no time. You have to check it out, or you'll miss some important infos!
☆初めて来た方へ☆To visitors for the first time
Inform yourself from the following topics. This topic contains allmost all important information about NCB held in this community.
☆全体へ☆To all
◎地域ごとの緊密な行動もしていくといいかと思います。link to each district:
○To foreigners. Here you can find what you want to know!!
○その他、further information here!: