私たち日本人が苦手なのが、「その時の行動」をスラっと長い文章で言う こと。でもとても簡単です。文の後に〜ingをつけるだけ。
例:I went to Umeda listening to music(一般動詞をつなげる場合)
I went to Umeda (being)busy(形容詞の場合。beingは省略できます)
I went to Umeda being a teacher(名詞の場合。being必要)
I went to Umeda (being)with him(前置詞+名詞=形容詞※。beingは省 略できます)
さらに I went to Umeda listening to music busy being a teacher with himと言ってもぜんぜん大丈夫。
やろうと思えば永遠につなげられます。さらにたとえばto buy a bagを入れれば I went to Umeda to buy a bag listening to music busy being a teacher with himなどという長い文も簡単です。
つまりなぜそういうことができるかといえば、英語というものはI+am busyではなくてI am+(being)busyという形式でできているからなのです。要するに「私は居る+忙しい状態で」。
つまり、ひとつの文の後にbeingと形容詞がついているのです。これを利用しているからこそ、文はそのままずっとつなげることができるわけです。 わたしたちはI went to Umeda with himくらいは簡単に言えますね。
それでいいのです。それに同じ形式のものを足していけば、一度にたくさんのことが一気に言えるわけです。わざわざ、I went to Umeda with him and I was busy and I was a teacher and I was listening to musicなどと
たとえば、I am on the train(わたしは電車に乗っている状態です)の場合、on the train(前置詞+名詞)は形容詞です。
また、I had lunch on the train(私は電車でお昼ご飯を食べました)の場合は副詞です。「電車で」になりますから。
in Tokyo
at Koshien stadium
under pressure
in her good books
with him
これらは全部、前置詞+名詞です。これらをすべてI had lunchの後につなげて見ましょう。
I had lunch in Tokyo
I had lunch at Koshien stadium
I had lunch under pressure
I had lunch in her good books
I had lunch with him
また、こういう表現も可能です。前置詞+名詞=形容詞ですから、そのまま頭にI am gettingをつけて「私は〜の状態になりつつある」と表現できます。
I am getting on the train電車に乗るところ
I am getting under pressureプレッシャーがかかってきた
I am getting in her good books 彼女に気に入られつつある
I am on the train私は電車に乗ってる状態だ
I am under pressure私はプレッシャーがかかっている
I am in her good books私は彼女に気に入られている
また、get +人+前置詞+名詞で、「使役」も表現できます。
例えばget him under my thumb彼を私の尻にしく
get her on the train彼女を電車に乗せる
get them under pressure彼らにプレッシャーをかける
Be under my thumb私の支配下で居なさい
Be on the train電車に乗った状態で居なさい
Be with him彼と一緒に居なさい
?getting under her thumb彼女の尻にしかれること
?being under her thumb彼女の尻にしかれた状態で居ること
?Him getting under her thumb彼が彼女の尻にしかれること
?Him not being under her thumb彼が彼女の尻にしかれないでいること
例:the train to London
the man under her thumbなど。
あたまにつける。例:Be a superman!
What are they doing? →what they are doingになるので、
I don't know whta they are doingと簡単に言える。
また、What they are doing is getting me sadとも言えます。
sick of+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
tired of+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
able to 動詞
used to 名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
ashamed of+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
serious about+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
under pressure
under one's thumb
on the train
to London
in Tokyo
on drugs
in the limelight
under a cloud
with a headache
with a cold
with lipstick on his shirt
with a problem
without money
fluent in English
dream of+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
look forward to 名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
think about+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
can't stand+名詞節あるいは(him)(not)〜ingあるいは名詞
動詞のあとにing をつけて、文のあとにつけられます
do the laundry
do the dishes
hit on her
build confidence
fight like cats and dogs
cheat on you
kid oneself
have an affair
sweat like a racehorse
hit the books
take 7 days off
give it a kick
make the headlines
make a decision
wear her out
study abroad
have it on one's chest
pick oneself up
move up in the world など
?There is an apple in the tree
There is a riot going on
There is a starman in the sky
?I like water
I like dogs
a lot of , many +s
some +s
a few +s
few +s
no +s
a lot of ,much
a little
I am glad +文
It is too bad +文
I can't believe+文
I am sorry+文
I am angry+文
No wonder+文
I am worried+文
I am scared +文
I hope+文
What if +文
Make sure +文
I bet+文
It is not like+文
There is no way+文
Why don't you 〜?
Do you wanna〜?
I am going to〜
Are you going to〜?
I was going to〜
I didn't mean to〜
Do you want me to〜?
I used to 〜
I hardly ever 〜
Can you 〜?
May I 〜?
My aim is to 〜
It is time to 〜
Why should I 〜?
Do you ever 〜?
Are you ever going to 〜?いつか〜するの? いずれ〜するつもりある?
?tell him to〜、that文、名詞節
what you do
where to go
if he is going to come
where he went
where you work
what she thinks
what time she is going to come
where I am going to go
how you feel
who he is going to go with
what floor he lives on
what you are talking about
who he went there with
what to do
what to say
how to say it in English
what to give him
how to get there
where to take her など
I don't know名詞節
I don't have any idea名詞節
I wonder 名詞節
find out名詞節
figure out名詞節
It depends on名詞節
ask him名詞節など
Not again!
What do you do?など
21 応用の利くフレーズ
I get angry easily など
22 関係代名詞について
Look at the man whose cap is green
23 stay keep look sound feel smell tasteのあとは形容詞(前置詞+名詞)がよくきます。
24 home where here there overseas outdoors indoors west upstairs downstairsは形容詞です。
25 過去分詞につなげるフレーズ
I should have〜
I should not have〜
26 〜ingにつなげるフレーズ
I can't imagine 〜ing
What's it like 〜ing?
I miss 〜ing
I have been 〜ing
I have trouble 〜ing
Thanks for 〜ing
What happened to 〜ing?
What's wrong with 〜ing?
27 If I had known it
I would have gone there
→I wish I had known it
→I wish I would have gone there
28 wiilは、「じゃあ」「きっと」で覚える
29 やることが決まっている未来は現在進行形で表現できる
例:I am seeing Rolling Stones live tomorrow.
30 naive nervousなどの意味に注意
31 ask 人 名詞節
32 Guess 名詞節
※現在形の文章は「ふだん」を表します。→I cook私は普段料理をします。
make up one's mind to
look up to
change one's mind
in surpise
turn up one's nose at
lose one's temper
Igo by ZERRY
go red
run into
see them live
get dressed
get changed
feel sorry for
live in luxury
beg to
proud of
had better not
back you up
take notice of
Don't you dare 〜?
I get to
I got to
in disgust
with interest
You must be 形容詞
homesick for
inclined to
full of
in one's good books
responsible for
wear glasses
work at Sony
wear make-up
What do you do?
go skiing
get off work
watch TV
hang out
have dinner
look for ~
see a movie
get paid
do the dishes
get angry
go home
order a pizza
go to the 7-11
have a party
go to bed
go to sleep
stay home
ask 人 out
introduce 人 to my parents
go drinking
take 人 out for one's birthday
move in together
get transferred
get laid off
have lunch
go out
get married
cheat on 人
make the deadline
say yes
go to karaoke
have the baby
get fired
get hired
come home
wash one's hands
say sorry
say thank you
get a job
buy a bag
go to the beach
go straight home
walk the dog
spend money
go out with 人
shout at 人
get it dirty
hurt 人
mess up
in trouble
go somewhere
go on a diet
eat something
transfer to sales
go to work
get transferred to Sapporo
do overtime
break up
go shopping
get a drink
get a dvd or something
come over
eat out
go camping
get 人 something
show 人 around Tokyo
pick 人 up
make 人 dinner
save 人 a seat
take a break
see a doctor
have an operation
have a fight
save money
in high school
quit one's job
stay out late
ask a question
use the bathroom
fill in for 人
get the laundry in
get ready
clean the house
take up a sport
go to the gym
change jobs
go for a drive
buy you dinner
look after ~
get in touch with
quit smoking
lose weight
gain weight
take a day off
study abroad
get to sleep
go clubbing
make friends with
keep up with
get parking
get promoted
get back together
miss the train
get a bonus
stand 人 up
go bankrupt
have a crush on 人
get lost
pass the test
get ripped off
hang out the laundry
get in your way
hit on 人
get a boyfriend
make up with 人
get divorced
call in sick
go shopping
do the shopping
go to the park
go to the pool
go for a walk
wake up
get up
take a shower
fold the laundry
water the plants
get a check-up
take medicine
go to hospital
in hospital
get out of hospital
get a haircut
go to the bank
get money out
drop 人 off
make it up to 人
kill time
say hello
say sorry
see them live
drive a Toyota