Good afternoon!!!(゚▽゚)/
Ladies and gentlemen, today, i'm gonna give you a QUIZ!
Oh, you don't like a test?(・∀・;)
But don't worry, this is not a test but just a quiz.
So please...have fun!
You have a blank or blanks in each question.
Fill in the blanks with an alphabet letter.
Q1. Who is your favourite teacher in Kangaku University?
A. Of course, _att.
Q2. What's his favourite phrase?
A. "Wh_t i want you to do".
Q3. What's the best course you've ever taken so far?
A. "In_ermedia_e English".
Do you need a little more time?
i'm gonna give you ...thirty more seconds!
By the way, what word did you get from the letters you used to fill in the blanks?(^ω^)