Fumble, Kandisなどの名義でも知られるSenking、この名義での作品はどれも音数は少なくてかなりダブ度が高く、いわゆる深海エレクトロニカの一種といえるだろう。特筆すべきはその厚みのある低音で、底無し沼のような低音域の上を、輪郭のはっきりしない不明瞭な音塊が浮かんでは消えてゆき、ひたすら無彩色な漆黒のサウンドスケープが続いてゆく。あまり多くを語らない曲名などから感じとれる雰囲気に、曲調ともどもけっして日の目を見ない暗さがある。 また、Rastor-Notonからリリースの、21世紀のための12枚というコンセプチュアルなシリーズ「20′ to 2000」での1作は、個人的には Senking のベストに挙げたい作品だ。 海底数千メートルを漂っているような、どろーんとした暗いドローン音が作り出すうねりが素晴らしく、細やかな音がリズムを刻む。
1995: Starting with electronic music.
1996: First release on the Cologne label "Karaoke Kalk" as "Kandis"
(which was also the first release for this label). At the beginning there was
just a few "Senking" tracks included on the "Kandis" records, but later ( in
1997) "Senking" became an own project, because I made more and more
tracks with this kind of sound. I played the keyboards in the band "Genf"
(Guiter, Bass, Drums and Sample/Sythesizer). The band doesn´t exist
In 1997 i had a project together with Jörg Follert (he made the "Wunder"
release on "Karaoke Kalk" and is nower days known as "Wechsel
Garland") called "Motel" . There was one release under this name also on
"Karaoke Kalk".
1999: First contact with "Raster-Noton". My first release on this label was
the sixt (June) cd of the "Twenty to Twothousand" series.
2000: I started a new project called "Fumble".