日本発アンダーグラウンドダンスミュージックレーベル [ TOTEM TRAXX ] と、ショーケース[TOTEM]のmixi公式コミュニティー!!!
■Beatport Online Music Store
■Totem Traxx Official Site
TOTEM TRAXX was founded in 2010 by Japanese DJ/Producer DO SHOCK BOOZE(Yoichi Hayashi) as part of the TOTEM music event.Anytime we are seeking the new talent and good music.All with a dark tribal edge.TOTEM TRAXX was founded in 2010 by Japanese DJ/Producer DO SHOCK BOOZE(Yoichi Hayashi) as part of the TOTEM music event.Anytime we are seeking the new talent and good music.All with a cosmic tribal edge.
The philosophy about TOTEM and the people that believe in it, defends the idea of people being connected to the music, flora and fauna in a supernatural way.
At the same time, we loot for refuge in nature, flora, fauna and paranormal (our music and parties) and we receive a special energy from them,which is kinda like a bless we hope from super nature worship.
TOTEM / 我々が思うTOTEMとは特定の集団や人が、それぞれ特定のMUSICや動植物と超自然的関係で結ばれているのだと信じること。同時にそれは、大自然や動植物、超常現象(音楽やパーティー)から特別な力と加護を授かりたいと願う超自然崇拝であるのかもしれない。生きとし生けるもの全ての垣根を越える超自然的音世界に新エネルギーを見出す旅は果てしなく続く。ウッホッホ♪