あらゆる芸術は、客観芸術(Objective Art)か、主観芸術(Subjective Art)のいずれかとして説明できるかと思う。主観芸術は、いたるところに見られる。その人のフィーリング、マインドなどから来ている。絵画にも詩にも音楽にもそれは見られる。だが客観的芸術は自分のハートの空虚からくる。自分はただ単に中空の竹のようになるだけで、自分の身体を通じて描くのは宇宙だと思う。禅画などもその部類に入ると思う。禅画は空白の部分を多用する。空白に自分を投影し自己の変容を図るのだ。宇宙が自分を通じて流れるのをただ許していくことによって客観的芸術が創造される。自分自身がいないとき、自我がなくなったとき、宇宙の氾濫が来る。その洪水が詩となり、一片の絵画になるのだと思う。
Triangle Keyword:OSHO→Mt.Shasta→Art
How do you love these visual and music?
Active Meditaion:
Silent Meditation:
Every art, artistic objective (Objective Art) or a subjective art (Subjective Art) I think could be described as either. Subjective art is seen everywhere. Who feel that such confidence comes from. It also music to poetry to painting to be seen. But coming from an objective artistic void in my heart. Just be yourself as just a hollow bamboo, the draw I think my body through space. I think that fall into this category as well as Zen painting. Zen painting is part of the space-intensive. Promote the transformation of the self he projected himself into space. The objective is to create art that will allow the flow through to their universe. When there is no self, the ego ceases to exist, the universe comes flooding. Poetry became a flood, I think it's become a piece of painting.
"Art is a religion in the form of unconsciousness. Religion is the consciousness of art"
Triangle Keyword: OSHO → Mt.Shasta → Art
This community OSHO mystic arts in general and American as the sacred mountain of the center of the wisdom of Mt.Shasta絡Me meditation, and is also talking and let's say that community spirit world.
Please feel free to create a topic. Please introduce yourself to everyone as well as artwork.
Active Meditaion:
OSHO Dynamic Meditation, OSHO Nadaburama Meditation, OSHO meditation Mahamudora Kundalini meditation
Silent Meditation:
Awareness meditation OSHO, OSHO Vibasana meditation, OSHO Golden Light Meditation、
I have started meditation class.