WC RECORDINGS主宰。DJ/LIVE/プロデューサー。"和"をテーマにテクノ、テックハウストラックをリリースする"週間少年WC"シリーズや和柄のアートワークなど日本人の作品を独自の切り口で打ち出し続けている日本屈指のアナーキーテクノレーベル"WC Recordings"やサブレーベル "KAWAYA Sounds"の主宰者。傍ら、Raum...musik, Perc Trax,Karmarouge noir,tora tora toraといった海外の重要レーベルでも数々のリリースをし活躍する日本人アーティスト。その他,100%タブラのサンプリングで作られたテクノアルバムで評価されたASA-CHANG&巡礼の超絶タブラ奏者"U-zhaan"とのユニット"salmon cooks U-zhaan"やメタモルフォーゼのオーガナイザ−MAYURIとのユニット"MAYURI&SALMON"がUKのDogmatikからリリースされるなど多くのコラボレーションを展開。また前衛舞踏集団Salvanillaの音楽を担当し国内外で数々のメディアアート制作に関わる。自らオーガナイズする代官山UNITでのレギュラーパーティー"WC"では別名儀"徳川家康"で出演し鎧姿でのDJプレイや忍者によるパフォーマンスを行うなどそのオリジナリティ溢れる活動が注目を集め遂には東京新聞の朝刊に大々と取り上げられた。他、別名義での出演は"Andy Warhol","HACHIMITSU SAUSAGE","BVB"などがある。SalmonのILLでPOPなグルーヴと音楽性は唯一無二のアートワークとして国内外のTOP DJから多くのサポートを受け様々な分野から注目を集めている。2009年はNEWアルバムのリリースを予定。
Kenji Kikuchi, the Tokyo based DJ/producer, started his electronic music career as Salmon in 2004. In the same year, he did a debut with the live performance at the Nike’s fashion show and his first full- length alubum '’, which is a lounge minimal techno album used JMX rhythm box for all tracks, released on his own label WC recordings. In the followingyear, he released a click techno album ‘Salmon cooks U- zhaan’ with thetranscendence tabla player U-zhaan from the ‘Asa-chang & Junray’. This unique click techno album which were 100% made by sampling tabla sound wasgarnering positive reputation. Apart from his release on WC recordings, hecontinues multiple activities such as the electronica/breakbeats project‘Metro 999’ which is a duo composed of a live drum and a sampler, and also he writes tracks for the MIXMEDIA PERFORMING ART GROUP “SALVANILLA” and has performed at their national and international tour in Tokyo, Korea and Singapore. Many release 12" from the techno label of Europe and the fan is acquired by the activity of the world wide. 2007,The regular party of my label "WC" is started and it organizes it.A lot of domestic and foreign top DJ played. And, a unique performance was done and it became a popular party. Salmon is the most remarkable artist in Tokyo underground scene who is gonna leap techno to the NEW STAGE POP ART!
ブックマッークして遊びにきてねん(゚∀゚) L&P
Tachimatsuba EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2009
We Are the Hentai EP (12") / Vaninahanin (Switzerland) /2009
Kikuichimonji EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2009
COUNTERCURRENT (12") / Dogmatik (UK) / 2008
WC Succession EP2 (12") / Perc Trax (UK) / 2008
Shidarechausu EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2008
Kotatsukagari EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2008
Oshiguruma EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2007
Iwashimizu EP (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2007
WC Succession EP (12") / Perc Trax (UK) / 2006
NUDE EP (12") / Karmarouge Noir (Germany) / 2006
MINK EP (12") / Tora Tora Tora (USA) / 2006
SALMON EP (12") / Raum...musik (Germany) / 2006
SKELETON JP (CD) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2004
Jet Coaster (Salmon RMX) / フルカワミキ (CD) / HEARTFAST (JP) / 2009
Dualrock (Salmon RMX) / DJ Sodeyama (Digital) / No:More Rec (JP) / 2008
Bergbahn (Salmon RMX) / Bergbahn (CD) / Code INC (JP) / 2006
PINK BODY (Salmon RMX) / Redsound (12") / Perc Trax (UK) / 2006
Possession (Salmon RMX) / JYONGRI (Digital) / EMI (JP) / 2006
Special Lunch Pack vol,01 (Digital) / "raraa" / blank records (JP) / 2008
NO MUSIC NO RAVE (CD) /"Love Is Over"/ Black Budget (JP) /2008
METAMORPHOSE 07 (CD) / "Countercurrent" / Cuesta Sound (JP) /2007
movin on (Digital) / "minimalmans-march" / -N (JP) / 2006
Acixxxd (CD) "ACID BANSANKAI" / WC Recordings (JP) / 2005
PINK MIND (CD) "S&HOMO" / WC Recordings (JP) / 2005
Police (CD) "sea sperm" / WC Recordings (JP) / 2004
Other Releases:
BVB "Karigakubi EP" (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2008
Ieyasu Tokugawa "Ushiroyagura EP" (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2008
Hachimitsu Sausage "Ukihashi EP" (Digital) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2007
SALMON COOKS U-ZHAAN "TABLA 100% EDIT"(CD) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2005
GOLDEN "METALLIC BEACH"(CD) / WC Recordings (JP) / 2004