

TIP BROS.【Tipness Roppongi】

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詳細 2016年12月6日 02:09更新

【The sphere of activity of TIP BROS】
If you have any question about work out, of course feel free to talk between each members or ask to abundant experienced TIP BROS,for example A diet does not go satisfactorily, Muscles do not Progress,Need the knowledge of a supplement, Correct exact body part, How to build the good looking waist, Thin leg ,etc.
The sphere of activity of TIP BROS. is not only about work out in gym, such as a diet, Studio aerobics,Swimming ,Pumping iron. but more wide range. gym work is just First contact.Extend friends, exchange the information about business. enjoy after tipness ,If you are still beginner of the life Style in japan you might get more info.and so on. 
Spread a sphere of activity on each member's idea.

【The greatest purpose of TIP BROS is the communication which continues forever】
The person unfortunately left Tipness and went back your home town or moved to a different country. We believe you are still TIP BROS .glad to hear about your new life. keeping touch with TIP BROS. Each members of TIP BROS will find something very important for our own life by continuing communication between each members.

If you have a long night, go to the bar “Power House” Kennedy and Thomas are working there. both guys are of course TIP BROS .they look like kind of guys If I meet them in the back street of night. I feel suddenly hidden myself in the shade of a building and check the handgun of Walther P38 hidden in the band of the hips. They look tough but don’t worry, they are not gonna bite you because they are probably neither dogs nor friend of Jason Voorhees .they are actually gentle and having warm heart. ( ref. photo of the first page) Power House is located near the crossing in roppongi.more info. you better find them in Tipness roppongi and ask them directly.
Mike is Party organizer (he is also sub-organizer of TIP BROS.) if you have the poster of a movie of Die Hard. Bent it little bit, then you will find Mike in the poster, not Bruce Willis. (ref. photo of the first page)Anyway Mike is stucking the bar “Heartland” in every-weekend. located 1F west walk roppongi hills. you might meet many TIP BROS in there.

ティップネス 六本木
ティップネス 五反田
Be cool Be TIP BROS.


参加メンバー 10人




