Hello everybody, I'm Tom. what are you doing for fun ? watching hockey?
I enjoyed watching Superball last night, it was exciting because nobody expected Giants beat Patriots,Eli Manning did a really incredible job in the game.
However, after Superball, I'm kind of looking for what I can do when on holidays , and I came up with an great idea that you guys would like,
Since we are living in Bayarea, we can go to many ski resorts near LAKETAHOE!!
Now, if you are bored with your study, work, and so one, this is the right community for you to join
NOW!! Our door is always open for you, and I'm pretty sure about that you could enjoy snowboarding with fantastic landscape. If you have never experienced snowboarding, no worry, we
can teach you from how to wear boots, and you could get basic skill in a couple of hours.
So, I'm hoping to talk as many snowboard fun as I can, and hope see you soon.
Thank you and stay in touch.