This is an ENGLISH TRPG (Tabletop Role-Playing Game) discussion site. If you are Japanese can read or even type a little in English, please join! Likewise, if you are a native English speaker and can read a little Japanese, please join!
This group is a start to get people from Japan and the West talking to each other. The main language will probably be English, but Japanese is welcome, too!
Main topics will include:
1) Cross-cultural questions about TRPG gaming.
2) Talking about Japanese-made games in English.
3) Talking about Western-made games in Japan.
4) Anything else gaming-related.
The main discussion language for this community will be English, but Japanese is TOTALLY OK, too!
However, if you have trouble saying something (細かいポイント、それかただ単語が分からない場合) in English, please add Japanese to your English post.
But mostly, this group is to get more Japanese-language RPG fans into Mixi. And for Japanese RPGers who know a little English to be able to talk freely with Westerners.
Be polite
No flames
That's all (for now)