

Giovanni Allevi

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詳細 2020年7月17日 00:25更新

Giovanni Allevi, composer and pianist, re-elaborates the European classic tradition opening it to new pop and contemporary tendencies. He feels himself at ease both in theatres and in front of rock concert audiences.
Born on 9th April 1969 in Ascoli Piceno (Italy), Giovanni Allevi got a top marks degree in Piano and Composition at the .VerdiConservatoire in Milan. He graduated cum laude in Philosophy and the title of his PhD.is he emptiness in contemporary Physics
He published his first two solo albums for piano, 3 fingers(1997) and ompositions(2003), co-operating with Soleluna/Universal label. In them, Allevi shows the freshness of his musical invention and the modernity of his composite production, collecting great critic approvals The Japanese musician Nanae Mimura played some tracks from 3 fingersat the Carnegie Hall in New York.
Since June 2004 Giovanni Allevi has been on an internatonal tour from the HKAPA Concert Hall stage in Hong Kong. It the begininng of an endless artistic career beyond the narrow music categories that, on 6th March 2005 takes him to perform live on stage of the worldwide jazz temple: the lue notein New York, with 2 incredible sold out.
To confirm his intellectual commitment and thanks to his cultural value and artistic figure, he is invited to held a seminar on usic nowadaysat the Pedagogic University in Stutgart, and to another one about the relation between Music and Philosophy at the New York School of Phylosophy.
The international achievement as a composer comes from The Baltimore Opera House, for the Bizetsarmenrecitatives re-elaboration, one of the most loved and well know operas in the entire world.
In April 2005 Giovanni Allevi performs at the Teatro Politeama in Palermo, for the opening night of his first piano and orchestra composition eslan leaves with the 92 elements of the Siciliy Symphonic
Orchestra who ordered him the composition.
In 2005 he also receives 2 important awards: in Vienna he is honoured with the Bosendorfer Artistdecoration for the nternational values of his artistic expressionand from his country of origin with the Recanati Forever for the musicprize for the xcellence and magic he uses in touching the piano keyboard In May 2005 he realises his third solo album for piano: NO CONCEPT(Bollettino/BMG Ricordi), also presented in China and New York and also published in Italy, Germany and Korea. From this album, the track ome sei veramente(As you really are) is chosen by the American director Spike Lee as the soundtrack for a new and international BMW commercial.
In 2006 Giovanni Allevi starts the NO CONCEPT TOUR (China, Usa, Nord Europe, Italy) with a extraordinary presence of public.
At the end of the long international tour, he records "JOY", his fourth album for piano solo (Sony/Bmg).
International reviews define him "italian genius of the piano", "the 2000 Mozart", appointing Giovanni Allevi spoke person artist in the world for the italian musical creativeness.




参加メンバー 242人




