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詳細 2009年3月1日 10:10更新

James Henry "Jim" Neidhart (born August 2, 1956), is a professional wrestler, best known for his appearances in the 1980s and 1990s in the World Wrestling Federation as Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart. He currently resides in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and holds dual citizenship in Canada and the United States.

A former National Football League player who played for the Dallas Cowboys and the Oakland Raiders, Neidhart traveled to Calgary to train with Stu Hart after being released by the Cowboys. A talented shot putter (holding the California high school record in the event from 1973-1985), he earned his nickname - "The Anvil" - from his participation in the sport of anvil tossing. He worked for Stampede Wrestling, Hart's Calgary based promotion, for several years, during which time he married Ellie Hart, one of Stu's daughters.[1] He thus became the brother-in-law of fellow wrestlers Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Ross Hart, Keith Hart, and Davey Boy Smith, and the uncle of wrestlers Teddy Hart and Harry Smith.

Neidhart eventually joined the World Wrestling Federation and formed a highly successful tag team, "The Hart Foundation", with Bret. They were managed by "The Mouth Of The South" Jimmy Hart, who led them to their first Tag Team Championship. Hart was also instrumental in ending the team's second championship reign at WrestleMania VII when he led The Nasty Boys to the titles against his former team. After Bret split off into singles competition, Neidhart teamed with Owen as "The New Foundation".

While The New Foundation did not last long, Neidhart reappeared in the WWF at King of the Ring 1994 as the mystery cornerman of Bret Hart in his WWF Championship defense against Intercontinental Champion Diesel. The finish saw Diesel Jackknife Bret to the canvas, which would have assured him of capturing the Federation championship. However, Neidhart interfered, costing Bret the match, but allowing him to retain his title. Following the match, Bret was subject to a beatdown at the hands of Diesel and Shawn Michaels, but Neidhart did not come to Bret's aide. Later in the night, Neidhart reappeared at ringside during Owen Hart's match against Razor Ramon in the finals of the King of the Ring tournament. Neidhart assaulted Ramon behind the referee's back, allowing Owen to become the second WWF King of the Ring (after his brother Bret, who was King in 1993) on pay-per-view.

Owen was mired in a feud with Bret stemming from the 1994 Royal Rumble. Neidhart believed Owen when he said that Bret had been holding him down all his life and sided with him against his former tag team partner. Usually seconding Owen in his matches throughout the summer of 1994, Neidhart was seated in the third row at SummerSlam 1994 behind members of the Hart family, as well as Davey Boy Smith for the steel cage match pitting Bret against Owen for the Federation championship; this was the title that Neidhart had saved for Hart back at the King of the Ring so Owen could claim it at SummerSlam. Following a grueling match-up, Bret emerged triumphant, but was later subject to another beatdown at the hands of Owen and Neidhart, who locked themselves inside the caged ring while members of the Hart family tried to climb over the top to get in and help Bret. Neidhart joined Owen as part of Shawn Michaels' "Teamsters" team at Survivor Series 1994. After eliminating all the members of Razor Ramon's "Bad Guys" team except for Razor himself, Shawn Michaels inadvertently hit Diesel with the Sweet Chin Music. This move split up their tag team, as Diesel chased Michaels down the aisle. This cost their team the match as Neidhart and Owen were counted out along with the rest of the "Teamsters". Following Survivor Series, Neidhart disappeared from the WWF.

In 1996, he had a very short stint as the masked wrestler, Who, a gimmick purely designed for commentators Vince McMahon and Jerry Lawler to make Abbott and Costello jokes during his matches. He last wore the mask at SummerSlam 1996 as part of the "Bikini Beach Blast-Off" party held during the Free For All pre-game show.

He later reunited with Bret as part of his stable of Canadian sympathizers. After Bret left the company on bad terms because of the Montreal Screwjob in 1997, Neidhart followed him to World Championship Wrestling (though not immediately--he would be beaten up and humiliated by D-Generation X prior to his departure) where he formed a tag team with Davey Boy Smith, who also followed Bret there. Although this was his first true big-money deal, they were rarely utilized by WCW. They achieved little in-ring success, and he was eventually released and returned to the independent circuit.


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