

Rabbi Shergill

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詳細 2016年1月5日 23:46更新

        【Rabbi Shergill】

インディアン・アーバン・フォークシンガーのRabbi Shergillについてのコミュです。


18世紀のイスラム神秘主義sufiの詩人、Baba Bulla Shahの詩を見事に歌い上げた「Bulla Ka Janna」はもはや知らない人はいないでしょう。
「Bulla Ka Janna」は、彼の代表曲とも言えるものだと思いますが、僕自身歌詞の意味については分かりません。You Tube 上では2人の人はこれについて言及しています。         
?Using himself as a metaphor, he is telling the story of ignorant people, who think they are all knowing and above everyone. They are ignorant, thinking they know best, worse, that no one else knows better than themselves (remember he is using himself as a metaphor for everyone else other than the ignorant people). He is being sarcastic.

?it means.. the god cannot be perceived by senses or anything else.. "neither i am in sleep , nor awakeness, not in drinks, nor in hindus or muslims"..etc .

とりあえず「Bulla Ka Janna」のPVはここで見ることができます       


Triumph of will

Amitabh Bachchan loved him. VS Naipaul loved him. Everybody who heard him, loved him. But it has still taken Rabbi Shergill four long frustrating years to get a hearing in the world. Now, on September 26, he will finally make his debut. Minty Tejpal tracks the poignant tale of how a remarkable talent became a victim of the Tehelka story

There are many things tehelka did that every spook agency in Delhi, Britain and god knows where else would love to know about. Let me be the first to tell you about Rabbi Shergill. An artist we signed on at tehelka in April 2000. A poet and a singer. Who you still haven’t heard of.

I first heard about Rabbi in 1998 during my stint in Mumbai as Executive Producer, Channel [V]. As head of programming I was meeting all kinds of people associated with the music industry. One day, a bandanna tying KJ Singh, producer and sound engineer, told me about this sardar singer based in Delhi. “He plays Sufi Punjabi music – rock style! You have to hear him.” KJ had recorded a demo track but wasn’t carrying it. So what’s he doing, I asked? Doing the rounds ...a bit unsuccessfully, I was told. Keenly aware of the inability of stunted heads at the music companies to spot the real McCoys, I stored the information for further use. All the greats in Indian pop music are those first kicked out by these guys. I knew that much. So Rabbi was off to a flyer.

The millennium turned. Y2K never happened. And I never met Rabbi. I did however leave Channel [V], get divorced, increase smoking and move back to Delhi to take up the first job with the only man willing to employ me – my brother! I joined Tarun and Aniruddha Bahal as a founder in the heady journey of tehelka. Rabbi was still on my mind – I traced his number and called him. Sometime in May 2000, in the midst of putting together the match-fixing expose, Rabbi Shergill walked into the tehelka office. He was wearing a calm, gentle demeanor over his trademark kurta pyjama. Smart sardar, looks like a bard, I thought. He spoke fluently in Punjabi and English, narrating a familiar tale of music companies hustling him, not recognising his talent. Yeah, sure. “You got a tape,” I asked?

Rabbi fished out a tape with just two two songs – Bulla ki Jaana and Aj Nachna. I heard Rabbi’s music for the first time sitting in my car. It was stunning – great voice, haunting lyrics and some real melody — unlike any other Punjabi music I had heard. It was music that touched you, made you ache inside and yet lifted you. We went for a drive, as I listened some more, getting to know him. Tarun and Aniruddha heard the music and liked it. I pitched it to them – we have to do his album, I urged. He is the real thing. For a man ready to take decisions that would soon rattle governments, it was a no-brainer. Go ahead, said Tarun. Rabbi, being a true artist, was of course ready to go with a company that had nothing to do with music, and was still buying computers!

Rabbi’s faith was well placed. In a mercenary industry where new artists are not even advanced Rs 500, we gave Rabbi a lakh plus to go abroad and buy some music equipment he needed. Being creative owners we took the decision in five minutes. When I mentioned this a year later to Sridhar Subramanium, ceo Sony Music, he was stunned. “We can’t even buy a flute in a corporate set-up”, he remarked. kj was contracted to identify studio, draw up a budget and get recording dates. Our message to Rabbi and kj was, just go do your music — we are behind you. Over the next year, the two sardars started recording Rabbi’s debut album in Studio Satya, Mumbai. I would keep ducking in and out of Bombay, adding fizz to the mix.
September 25, 2004






参加メンバー 6人




