

なんちゃって英語・英会話コミュのThe new political power of the DPJ

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On July 29th, we had an election of the House of
Councilors, and as a result the Democratic Party of
Japan has become the biggest political party. But they
don't get political power yet, and so the leader of
the DPJ should think a next operation.

PM Abe will have an extraordinary session of the Diet
at the end of August. There will be a very important
issue in this session. Now the Japanese Self-Defense
Forces have helped the US army near Afghanistan, that
is to say, they supply oil to the US army.

This action is valuable for the USA and Japan. But
this action needs a special law, and this law will be
ended at the top of this November. If this law is
rejected, the Self-Defence Forces have to return to
Japan. They can't stay at the Indian Ocean.

This evacuation has a big problem, because it has bad
effect for the alliance between Japan and the USA.
Of course it will make the USA angry, and Japan has
a difficult problem of the North Korea. At that time
PM Abe may choose dissolution of the House of
Representatives, and after that the DPJ will be able to
get the new political power or not.



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