1. Supper's Ready (from "Foxtrot", 1972) 2. Firth Of Fifth (from "Selling England By The Pound", 1973) 3. The Cinema Show (from "Selling England By The Pound", 1973) 4. The Musical Box (from "Nursery Cryme", 1971) 5. Carpet Crawlers (from "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway", 1974) 6. Dancing With The Moonlit Knight (from "Selling England By The Pound", 1973) 7. Watcher Of The Skies (from "Foxtrot", 1972) 8. In The Cage (from "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway", 1974) 9. Ripples... (from "A Trick Of The Tail", 1976) 10. Dance On A Volcano (from "A Trick Of The Tail", 1976)
私自身も投票しましたけど、やはり当然のことながら自分tが付けたランクとは大分違う 結果になっていました。個人的には私の一番お気に入りの曲 "The Fountain of Salmacis" が入っていないのが非常に不満で、"The Cinema Show" の3位はちょっと過大評価では ないか???、という気もしています(笑)。