

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのPresident Biden and Sen. Mitch McConnell Make Joint Appearance in Kentucky for Infrastructure Event

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Speaker 3 (21:23):Please welcome United States Senator Sherrod Brown.

Andrew Beshear (21:35):
Good afternoon Cincinnati and wherever else you’re from. Mr. President, President Biden, thank you, thank you, thank you. Leader McConnell, thank you for your role in this. My longtime friend, Senator Portman, this would not have happened without him either. Governor Beshear, thank you and good to see your family here. Governor DeWine and Franny, thank you for your work. This is what bipartisanship in the United States of America should look like and does look like.
As Rob said, after working on this for more than a decade, he’s actually worked on this for 30 years, I’ve only worked on this for 15 or 16 years, we’re finally going to build a new bridge. The federal government’s finally doing its part to make this crucial crossing between Ohio and Kentucky safe and reliable. We passed the PACT Act, the most comprehensive expansion of benefits for veterans who face toxic exposure from those football field sized burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan, we finally passed the PACT Act, which has made us making a huge difference for veterans. That’s what bipartisanship looks like in the last two years.
This last Congress, we worked together to pass the CHIPS Act, and again, with Senator McConnell and Senator Portman stepping up with us, meaning the technology of the future won’t just be developed, R&D, in America, it will actually be made in America, in the industrial heartland, in Ohio, in Kentucky where we have built the engines of progress for generations. That’s what bipartisanship looks like.
And to me, it mostly looks like jobs. It looks like good union jobs, construction jobs, building the new companion bridge, improving the entire Brent Spence corridor that runs from here in Kentucky to the nine-year old Western Hills Viaduct and FDR project in the 30s. Rob and I were talking about that on the way out here. A few of you in the front row seem to have worked on that project back in the 30s. It’s received millions of dollars in federal infrastructure funds. It will mean more American manufacturing jobs. There will be more contracts for Ohio and Kentucky manufacturers because of the work Senator Portman, Governor DeWine, and I did to make sure the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has the strongest by America requirements ever signed into law in the United States of America.
It means taxpayer dollars will support American jobs, American taxpayer dollars supporting American jobs, period. The days of taxpayer-funded bridges like these, the days of taxpayer-funded bridges made with Chinese steel are over. It means the 160,000 Americans who cross this bridge every single day, 3% as Rob said, 3% of the GDP every day crossing this bridge, it means that all of them will benefit. Whether that’s a safer commute to work for commuters, whether it’s businesses both large and small, safely and affordably transporting their products over this bridge, this bridge will make life better for people in Ohio and Kentucky.
Mayor Pureval and other local mayors and community leaders, business people have been sounding the alarm to Rob and me and to others for years, I want to particularly thank the Cincinnati Regional Chamber of Commerce. I remember my first meeting, it was my first week in the Senate, the Chamber of Commerce, first thing they talked about was Brent Spence. Thank you for continuing to champion this critical Infrastructure Bill. Plenty of politicians have paid lip service to fixing our infrastructure. We used to be the envy of the world, our infrastructure did, but until now it’s been empty talk. Today shows what we can achieve for the region and for our country when everyone works together.
To get this funding through Congress, it took a new approach. In 2018, as Rob just said, we started building a bipartisan coalition to create a new program that could tackle large, mega projects like Brent Spence. I worked with Rob and 12 other senators to begin to work to make that happen. For years, for years, presidents of both parties have promised infrastructure. You can count and name the number of presidents that have either stood on that bridge or stood over here so you get the best view of Cincinnati, sorry Kentucky, you can name all those presidents that talked about that. But it took President Biden, the most pro-worker, pro-union president in my lifetime, it took President Biden to do this.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, included my bridge legislation that Rob and I talked about, made this investment possible. We celebrate today, not just the new Brent Spence crossing, but all the investments in Ohio from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. I was talking to Ms. Mays a moment ago, a 30-year iron worker, she will be introducing the president, and talking about these projects she’s worked on and how we are going to need in this state, in this country to see a lot more women in the trades and a lot more people of color in the trades, building our bridges, building intel, building small county culvert bridges in places like Mansfield and Richland County where I grew up and worked on our family farm. And we’re going to need good union workers to do these. It’s not just about numbers, it’s about what the investments meet in Ohio. For the black and brown communities who have historically been cut off from job centers, for [inaudible 00:27:36] rural areas that are hard to reach, it will mean connection, it will mean good-paying, union, middle-class jobs.
Together, together we can leverage this investment to create jobs in every city, every county, every township across our great state. Thank you today, all of you, for being part of this great day. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (28:04):Please welcome Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell.

Rob Portman (28:27):
Well, good afternoon, everyone. This is a day I think many people in Northern Kentucky thought might never happen. For those of us who’ve run for public office in Kentucky over the years, every time you came to Northern Kentucky, the issue was how we’re going to get the bridge built. And as all the Kentucky politicians can tell you, the issue of possibly tolling the bridges was very, very toxic. And so today, we sit in this wonderful clear day with sun shining down on literally a legislative miracle. How did it come together?
Well, Senator Portman, from whom you had a chance to hear, was the active person on our side. Several Democratic senators on the other side came together and began to talk about how we might be able to work together to get an outcome. We all know these are really partisan times, but I always feel, no matter who gets elected, once it’s all over, we ought to look for things we can agree on and try to do those even while we have big differences on other things.
And this bridge, I think, symbolizes the coming together of both sides on something that both sides thought was important to try to get an outcome. You have a Democratic governor here, Governor Beshear, a Republican legislature led by Senate President Stivers, Kentucky House led by Speaker David Osborne, Chris McDaniel from Northern Kentucky, who took the lead on it down in Frankfurt to provide the matching funds that we needed to make this project to go forward.
So it’s not just this project, but the infrastructure bill, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that the President signed, provides dramatic additional assistance just looking at the Kentucky side of the river, this project plus other projects, over $8 billion over the next five years, this is really quite significant. And as we know, even though it benefits us in Ohio and Kentucky, nationally, this was one of the big projects in the entire country to deal with the crumbling infrastructure that we’ve all been talking about for years. And so we finally stepped up together and addressed it.
It’s also great to see the Governor of Ohio here. We used to be colleagues in the Senate, Governor DeWine and his team. So if you look at the political alignment of everyone involved in this, it’s the government working together to solve a major problem at a time when the country needs to see examples like this of coming together and getting an outcome. And so I’m pleased to be here today to be a part of this. I encouraged it, I supported it, and I’m proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish working together with the people of Kentucky and Ohio and all these other commuters coming through here every day, going north and south across our great country. Thank you for the opportunity to be here today. It’s an exciting day. I’m proud to be a part of it. Thank you.

Speaker 4 (32:06):Please welcome Ironworker Local 44 member, Sarah Gwen May.

Sarah Gwen May (32:25):
Good afternoon. My name is Sarah and I stand here today, a proud union ironworker. I’ve been a member of Local 44 right here in Cincinnati, Ohio for 30 years. 13 of those years, I’ve dedicated my service to CHC fabrication. When I first became a union ironworker, I didn’t know anything about ironwork and I didn’t even know how to properly read a tape measure, but I heard they had good benefits, their wages was allowing me to take care of my family, so I decided to take the chance to become an ironworker.
As a single mother, it was very important for the benefits. The benefits was really nice benefits. My union has built this city from the ground up. And now, thanks to President Biden, our leader, and the work of other leaders here today, we are rebuilding and replacing the Brent Spence Bridge. It’s a boost for the workers. Thank you. It’s a boost for the workers and it’s a boost for the region. That means quicker and faster commutes. Ironworkers like me, and my brother and sister ironworkers of Local 44, and other tradesmen get the opportunity to work on the bridge. This brings jobs, this brings money, which is very well needed right now today in Cincinnati and Kentucky. It is now my honor and my privilege to introduce to you the President of the United States, our president, Joe Biden.

Joe Biden (34:40):
Please, have a seat if you have one. Folks from inside the tent, I didn’t know you’re all back there. I tell you, you got to be standing too, huh? All right. Well, look, Happy New Year, everyone. And Sarah, thanks for that introduction. I’m delighted to see the mayor, Mayor Covington and … Mayor of Covington, I should say, he is Covington, I think, Joe Mayor, and the Mayor of Cincinnati. And I make sure I got to do this right. Aftab Fraval. Did I correct it?

Speaker 5 (35:19):[inaudible 00:35:20].



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