

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのA statement by FAO Director-General QU Dongyu

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1. 2021 has been a challenging year with historic memory.

2. The COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturns have pushed more people into suffering.

3. Globally there are more than 800 million people in hunger and 45 million people moving closer to starvation.

4. FAO has worked consistently and coherently this past year to bring about the needed changes.

5. We actively contributed to the UN Food Systems Summit, successfully hosting the Pre-Summit at our headquarters in Rome.

6. Supporting the transformation of our agrifood systems,

7. to make them more efficient, more inclusive, more resilient and more sustainable,

8. is enshrined in FAO Strategic Framework for the next 10 years.

9. This transformation is crucial to achieving the 2030 Agenda and its SDGs.

10. Close collaboration with the Italian Presidency of the G20 made all VIP meetings and the Summit unprecedentedly successful.

11. We launched the G20 Green Garden where Ancient Sacred Wood was established legally by Romans 2300 years ago, making a strong historic linkage from the past to the future.

12. The World Food Forum held in the first week of October, powered by the FAO Youth Committee, brought together thousands of young talents to brainstorm and innovate on how to transform global agrifood systems for a better future.

13. The future belongs to, and depends on, our youth today.

14. World Food Day 2021 resonated that “Our actions are our future”.

15. Agrifood systems transformation starts with you and me.

16. We must all be Food Heroes.

17. FAO Hand-in-Hand Initiative, targets the most vulnerable, and now has 45 countries actively participating.

18. FAO 1000 Digital Villages Initiative is enabling farmers to use new technologies to improve agrifood production and to bridge the digital divide!

19. Science and innovation are key to a better food security.

20. 2021 has been a productive year for FAO.

21. We delivered, with efficiency and effectiveness.

22. And in 2022, we will continue to deliver with even more extraordinary efforts leading to extraordinary results!

23. To achieve the Four Betters:

24. Better Production, Better Nutrition, a Better Environment, and a Better Life for all - leaving no one behind!

25. I wish you all a Healthy and Happy 2022!



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