

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュの'I'm probably the happiest man you will ever meet.'

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EDDIE JAKU: Today I have Newington school, they come every year, I speak to them for three quarters of an hour about my life, in Germany, in the camps.

OK, we go in the lift, we go in the lift. For me, when the number was put on my arm in 1943, I was condemned to die. I didn't die. So when I wake up, I'm happy. Another day.

Life, I say to these children who are here is in your hands. We all have bad days but this is nothing. After rain comes sunshine. Do I look alright? Beautiful, OK.



Good morning. My new young friends. I stand in front of you as a witness and a survivor of the most tragic time in the history of mankind. Auschwitz is a death camp. Every day can be your last day.

My father 49. My mum 43. My whole family died in gas chambers. Why? Why? We have to stick together. This must never happen to no-one. Please.

This was with me all the time. Because when you arrive in Auschwitz and they shave you, they take everything from you. Only your belt. From one camp to another. No.7. Eddie Jaku.

JOHN KENNY, HISTORY TEACHER, NEWINGTON COLLEGE: He has become kind of a minor celebrity. It is an incredible opportunity to speak to someone who is approaching 100. Who can run a narrative with a completely unscripted, like he does, that's utterly captivating. I certainly appreciate the fact that the clock is ticking on this experience.

EDDIE JAKU: My voice is the voice for 6 million. I don't speak for me. I speak for the people who don't, who can't speak.

MICHAEL JAKU: My father really doesn't seem to hate his oppressors. He seems to pass on a message that I'm sure not everybody could. I probably couldn't myself, that you should be tolerant and not hate anybody and I think that's important for children today. What he passes on is that you can get on with everybody and be happy doing it.

EDDIE JAKU: Hello. She is my best friend! She is my best friend!

MUSEUM STAFF MEMBER: He is definitely one of mine as well.

MUSEUM STAFF MEMBER: Eddie, how are you?

EDDIE JAKU: The museum, for the survivors becomes like a second home. We want to spread the message of peace, message of love.

I tell you I have two books full of these letters, maybe 2,000 letters. I will read this one.

"To my dearest friend, Eddie. It was the most beautiful experience to meet you. In my 15 years, it's safe to say you are the most gracious and peaceful man I have ever met. I want to thank you for teaching us about love, life and freedom."

Through the Jewish museum, it is the official opening today by the Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. So I hope I meet him. Yes this is a big deal.

I still have a full licence. I'm a good, touch wood, good driver. I pay only half because I have no point loss.

MALCOLM TURNBULL: How do you do? Good to see you.

The holocaust revealed that the most advanced of us, the most sophisticated of us, the most technologically advanced of us, can do the most horrendous things.

We are capable of the greatest love but we are capable of the most terrible crimes. And that is why we must never forget the Holocaust. This is a really, really important moment for me.

PERFORMER: (SINGING) Imagine there's no heaven. It's easy if you try....

EDDIE JAKU: Every time I get very emotional. Very. Because I lost a lot of people. You see, I feel that I was saved to tell the people what can happen if you don't care. I teach three things. Tolerance, understanding and friendship. Humans have to behave like humans. That's all.



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