

ウィスパリング同時通訳研究会コミュのMarshall Island

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Statement by:
H.E. David Kabua, President of the Republic of the Marshall Islands at the
High-level meeting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations
21 September 2020

Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, Excellencies,
I am pleased to join my fellow leaders today in commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United
Nations. As a former Strategic UN Trusteeship, the Republic of the Marshall Islands has a unique and
powerful shared history with the United Nations. And today, we find ourselves in a world of
unprecedented crisis. And as member states of the UN, we will fail the founders’ intentions if we cannot
move quickly to reinstate multilateralism and a result-oriented cooperation.
Today’s meeting is not about isolated policy solutions but about the need for a new meaningful
commitment to work more closely, and to reach beyond well-worn political divides.
As a low-lying atoll nation, with no higher ground for retreat, climate change poses severe threats not
just to our future development, but towards our core security, human rights, and our way of life. Climate
change is a global issue that requires a global solution. Despite my country’s best efforts to demonstrate
leadership on our climate action, we cannot do it alone. All countries, in particular large emitters, must
come forward to keep their promises made in Paris Agreement.
The current COVID pandemic has also imperiled our narrow economy, isolated our people and remains
a grave threat to our health. Similar to climate change, solutions that enable a resilient and rapid
recovery from COVID-19 require solidarity and global collaboration.
Our planet’s oceans and fisheries continue to face severe threats while migration raises complex
questions which demand dialogue.
To tackle these global issues most effectively, we must recommit to multilateralism and stand together
on behalf of the shared future of our children and grandchildren.
We have seen in our own legacy of nuclear testing where the most vulnerable are failed when the UN
becomes clouded by politics. This organization was founded to ensure that global domination by
authoritarian muscle would never again be a threat. So today is perhaps not so much a celebration but
a vital reminder that we will fail the future if we cannot remember the lessons of the past. This
anniversary forces us to ask the question: will we be here to celebrate the UN’s 100th anniversary? We
look to our fellow members to help us save our place in this the world.



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